“Get her to sign the divorce paper,” I replied. “Take her to court if she refuses a divorce.”

Troy looked at me again, and this time, he looked guilty. “We didn’t just get married in Vegas,” Troy swallowed hard. “We also got a prenup.”

“What?” I was livid. “You did what? How could you get a prenup? You didn’t even have any property back then!”

“Dad was already sick, and he already told me I was heading the business,” Troy continued. “It was all a joke. I was just trying to impress Nancy.”

I remembered Nancy to be the free-spirited artistic lady every sane man would find attractive. I also knew Nancy to be ambitious. Nancy was a tall, natural blonde who turned lots of men’s heads as a young girl. She became a model while in college, and she got the biggest offer of her life right after graduation. This offer was one she couldn’t reject; one she’d picked over being with my brother.

In short, her ambition made her leave Troy after college. She’d traveled to pursue her dreams and become the most recognized female model in America. Her works were featured in Vogue a few times, and her brand went way beyond the country. She was a role model to a lot of people, creating the biggest modeling agency in the world.

Nancy was a legend. Nancy’s appearance with the marriage certificate proved that Troy’s marriage with Camille was legally void. Mom would do anything to frustrate Troy’s marriage. She didn’t like to lose at anything. Not even a game she played with her children. We suddenly realized that Mom would rather have Troy marry his college girlfriend than lose in the game she was playing with him.

“So if you dismiss this marriage, you’ll lose your properties to Nancy, right?”

“Yes,” Troy answered.

There was a cold wave of silence between us now. When I looked up, I realized that the tennis court occupants had left. The court was now empty, but we were too into this conversation already. No one was ready to break it up for some sweaty tennis games.

“So, the moment your marriage with Camille is no longer a problem to the board, Mom brings in Nancy,” my thoughts escaped from my mouth. “What does Nancy have to gain in all of this?”

Troy looked at me to say, “What do you mean?”

“I mean, she is a successful, wealthy woman, holding on to a marriage you had a long time ago doesn’t fit into her books.”

Troy squinted. “I need to find out what mom is giving her in exchange for all of this, right?”

“Yes,” I replied, “then you can know what to do afterward.”

Troy sighed as he squeezed my hand. “Thank you!”

“It’ll be over soon,” Troy said as we both instinctively walked back to the parking lot.

Troy never had the intention to play at the court; he only wanted to talk to his only brother. Julia’s pregnancy paternity would be over by tomorrow. However, I was not sure if getting Nancy out of Richmond would be over soon. It would be a long game between Troy and Mother.

Chapter twenty-six

The Game's Queer


I eavesdropped on Henry’s conversation with Troy; they’d mentioned Nancy Henderson who used to be Troy’s girlfriend. I knew Nancy. Every young lady in America knew who Nancy Henderson was because they once wanted to be like her. She was an icon in the modeling industry. She’d inspired lots of ladies into the field, and now that she was in her early forties, she had retired. Every little girl in America wished they could meet Nancy Henderson for a photo or an autograph, including me. However, I couldn't drool over her anymore because she was now the woman who wanted to ruin my best friend’s marriage.

I had to automatically hate her now and pretend that she wasn’t one of my idols. Henry didn’t stay long on the call, but long enough for me to know that Nancy was in Richmond. I exhibited less surprise when Camille called me to tell me the same news. She feared Nancy was here to catch Troy’s attention – something about rekindling old flames. I didn't blame her paranoia because if my husband had an ex who was as hot as Nancy, I’d be insecure.

“I’ll see you at the dinner tonight, Camille,” I encouraged her. “Put on your confidence face and a smile.”

She hung up, and I began to prepare for Mrs. Robinson’s compulsory family dinner. I sat beside Camille in the matriarch’s huge dining room. The two brothers were on the opposite sides of the table.

Camille and I whispered softly to ourselves, ignoring the brothers who happened to be our husbands. Henry and I had been mute for the past twenty-four hours. Somehow, he’d gotten Julia to consent to the paternity test. He thought the result would change the way I felt about the whole situation. He might be right, but I still wanted to be left alone. Tonight, I promised to focus on Camille.

The last time I saw my best friend, I thought she was happy. However, today, Troy held out a chair and she sat down, faking a smile as she often does. Dinner was one of Mrs. Robinson’s ideas to foster family togetherness: a dinner of expensive ingredients cooked by the best chefs. Since Mrs. Robinson didn’t approve of Camille, Troy had stopped attending. Henry couldn’t stand being in a room with his mother without Troy, so he had also stopped honoring his mother’s invite.

Today, Troy didn’t have any reason to exclude Camille from the family dinner. Camille’s new status as a member of the board allowed his mother to accept her. Her status was elevated, almost equal to everyone at the table tonight. Plus, I guessed Troy’s presence was more for show than the actual dinner.

He’d rebelled against his mother and gotten away with it. Nothing else explained the evident smirk on his face. Henry maintained a decent composure all evening. He seemed to be neutral in the fight between his brother and his mother. I’d known Henry long enough to know that he would stand behind his Troy before anyone else. My strong instinct told me that Troy’s recent moves against their mother were all Henry's ideas. Henry was more business-minded and more tactical than Troy, and he definitely took after his mother.

The staff brought the lavish meal into the dining room. Troy and Henry whispered to each other. The staff had arranged the dishes and platters, and I noticed a sixth plate and cutlery at the empty seat next to Troy. I took the extra seat as an oversight from the staff, but then we heard a ding from the electric doorbell. Mrs. Robinson came into the house just in time. She sat on the host’s chair as the staff returned with a tall attractive woman. It was woman I could recognize from a mile away: Nancy Henderson.