“Think of it as break up sex,” Amelia suggested as she left my room.

We’d just had amazing sex, and it hit me that Amelia only had sex with me because she was craving it. She still had her wedding ring in her hand, one of the things that assured me that she was still into this marriage. However, her attitude said otherwise. Aside from the mind-blowing intimacy we had shared last night, she’d said little or nothing to me.

“It’s not just break up sex,” I disagreed. “You know it’s more than that. This is how amazing we always are.”

“Things are different now, Henry.” Amelia tried not to look into my eyes. She just couldn’t.

“Every single time we have sex, it’s always like the first time. Yesterday was no different, and you know that. There is a connection between us that’s strong.”

Every time I thought about it. I was certain that the passion between Amelia and me would go on forever. I took this as the lie she told herself just to punish me for Julia’s pregnancy. The disconnection Amelia was trying to force was also the result of her recent discovery about her parents. Yesterday, she’d said that proving my faithfulness wouldn’t make us return to what we used to be. But I couldn't shake the feeling that proving my innocence was a start to making her believe my faithfulness.

Amelia had been trying to get in touch with her inner self, she said. To start with that, she’d united with her brother as a sign of forgiveness. She’d also forgiven her father for turning her into a version of what she didn’t want to be. It was unfair that she didn’t get to pursue her artistic career while her unknown brother made a fortune as an artist.

I’d done a brief investigation on Nolan and his artistic prowess. I found that he was one of the richest artists in America. He’d accumulated his wealth creating a unique type of painting, and he’d done it without his father’s influence. I was proud of Amelia for the sacrifices she had made for her family.

I wished she could hear me say that I was proud she had grown into a woman who didn’t let her circumstances define her.

Amelia’s stubbornness also came from the fact that she saw the same pattern of her parent’s relationship in ours. Julia’s pregnancy news only sped up her insecurity. This morning, I remember that I’ve got to meet Julia. Now I’ve got to make her do the DNA test. Julia sat opposite me in my office in the morning. She looked bigger than she looked the first time I saw her. Today, she sat with more confidence as she folded her arm across her chest. I had just told her that I needed paternity confirmation before I could move on with the child support she had requested.

Julia didn’t flinch. She only smiled and said, “I’m not going to do that.”

“I knew you wouldn’t agree to the paternity test. That’s why I’ve gotten your mother’s contact information. I’ll have her convince you.”

“I’m sure she doesn’t know you are pregnant yet, does she?” I paused. “She still thinks you are a director for an advertising agency in Mexico.”

“What a good daughter image you paint in your parent’s head for years.”

Troy’s advice of Doing all I can to make Julia take the test got me thinking like my typical self again.

“How did you–” Julia’s forehead was beginning to sweat. Her breath started to increase as well.

“My family owns half the institutions in Richmond, Julia. I can find out whatever I want without breaking a sweat.”

This time, I needed to think ahead of Julia just to get the truth out of her. I was still convinced that Julia’s act was only a way to defraud me and plant herself back into my life. While I had gone out with Julia, I knew very little about her. She never spoke about her parents no matter what; so, I had to do a little digging into her life.

Julia’s ambition was fueled by her determination to leave the small town of St. Augustine to make a big advertising dream in Los Angeles. But Julia had ended up in the wrong hands when she got to L.A. She had found an abode in Richmond after escaping a drug raid at her ex-boyfriend's house. However, Julia had told her strict parents that she was now a director at an advertising company and she was transferred to Mexico to head a branch there.

Julia had somehow maintained the cover until now. She frowned at me, and I could hear her breathing increase.

“You won’t do that,” Julia spat out. “You can’t do that to my family.”

I clicked my teeth. “You know me enough to know that I don’t bluff, Julia.” I smirked. “You do what I want, and I won’t do what will hurt you.”

It was quite interesting to know that Julia still feared what her strict Christian mother thought about her. She couldn’t risk tarnishing her created image with a random picture dumped at her parent’s doorstep.

Then, I found out that her mother nursed hypertension for years. A big drop of unexpected news about her sweet, loving daughter could send her to the hospital. Or worse, kill her.

My threat worked, and Julia looked at me with a total look of surrender. “I’ll do whatever you want,” Julia said, caving in. “Isn’t it a dangerous procedure the paternity test?”

“No, it isn’t,” I replied. “My brother owns a hospital; you’ll be in safe hands.”

Julia got up to leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the hospital,” she said. “Nine in the morning; you can have your test while you leave my mother out of this.”

“You have my word,” I replied, stretching out my hand for a shake. “We have a deal, right?”

“Deal!” Julia said but she ignored my handshake offer. She shut the door behind her.

I sighed as the door banged on its hinges. This was a step toward achieving my plans. However, making Julia do the test was only the tip of the iceberg. The real deal came with the test’s result. The uncertainty made me nervous. I had every confidence that the child wasn't mine. I was determined that whatever the outcome might be, it was a bridge I’d cross without an iota of fear.