Did she move on already? Is he trying to get to her because she is currently vulnerable?

Those questions in my head painted bad pictures of Amelia together with this doctor, and I couldn't control the next reflex from my arm. I threw the doctor a punch on his face.

Chapter twenty-four

The Huge Sepration


“Oh, my God!” I screamed along with the rest of the people who witnessed Henry throw a punch at Jack, the new resident doctor. After the punch, Henry looked around, probably now regretting his rashness. Then he started to apologize. Security intervened and Henry got kicked out of the hospital. I wished Troy was in the hospital to witness what a mess his brother had become. The flower Henry held was scattered on the floor. They were lilies, my favorite flowers, but Henry had ruined the best part of it. So I watched the hospital’s cleaner come with a long broom to sweep the flowers into a trashcan.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized to Jack who now held a bag of ice on his left eye, while sitting in one of the empty examination rooms. “He’s not always like that. I don’t know what came over him.”

“I have learned that he’s your husband.” He paused and added, “I didn’t know. I’m sure he just got a little paranoid.”

“You’d do the same if it were your wife?” I mocked, chuckling as he made a funny face.

“Luckily for me, I don’t have a wife.”

Jack dug into my personal life. “Henry Robinson is your husband; is there a story to that?”

“Soon to be ex-husband,” I replied, “and yes, there is a long story.”

Jacks smiling face turned to a sympathetic one. “I’m sorry,” he said. “Is it because he throws a punch at every man near you?”

“No!” I laughed at his subtle joke. “God, no! He isn’t always like this,” I assured him. “This is the first time I’ve see him so insecure and jealous.”

“You don’t need to explain to me.” Jack put the ice back on his swollen eye. “I won’t press charges on Henry.”

“Thanks,” I muttered.

Jack had made a joke about his decision not to press charges. He said it was because Henry’s brother owned the hospital. Plus, he didn’t want to get involved with the influence Henry’s family had in Richmond.

“I’m not going to win anyway,” he said as my pager went off.

“I have to go, Jack,” I said as I checked the pager. “I’ll see you around.”

“Amelia,” Jack called me back. He seemed to want to get something off his chest, but he retracted it with, “I’ll see you around.”

I went off to prepare for my next surgery; and for the hundredth time today, I thought about Henry.

I’d taken more shift hours than I had since the beginning of my career, all to avoid seeing Henry. But he’d found me, and his public display of possession reminded me of his fierceness. Now that my shift had ended, my supervisor was preventing me from taking another one. He instructed me to go home because I need some rest. He went ahead to recite his favorite quote: even doctors need someone to take care of them.

I could tell him that I was fine, but he was too stubborn to put up with my lies. He told I was avoiding something, or someone.

“Go deal with it and stop trying to bury it with shifts!” he said as he walked back to his office.

My supervisor was right: I’d been taking a lot of shifts to distract me from what’s happening with Henry. I thought when I got off the marathon shift merry-go-round, Julia would have disappeared from our lives. It would all be over, and I could have my home back. I could have used Camille’s presence to distract me too. But Camille had taken a break from the hospital. She was trying to figure out her father’s connection with the Robinsons, and she was also trying not to get bribed by Mrs. Robinson again.

One of the security guards paraded through the hallway and stopped when he saw me come out of the changing room. “You have a visitor,” he announced. “He is at the reception desk.”

I sighed, hoping the guard didn’t just allow Henry back into the hospital. What were they afraid of? Their jobs?

“I don’t want to see Henry anymore today,” I told him.

“It’s not Henry,” he corrected. “He called himself Nolan.”

Nolan sat at the reception with a flower bouquet: lilies, just like the ones Henry had brought in. “Did Henry put you up to this?”