I raised my head, realizing that the poor boy was still waiting to hear from me. “Thank you, Johnathan,” I replied as I dismissed him.

I was done with Julia a long time ago, and I thought she was done with her obsession as well. But I was wrong; her obsession for me might just be beginning. I planned to avoid her for as long as I could. I couldn't afford anything that would affect Amelia’s mental health at the moment. I reviewed the account statement for the month. I must have been so engrossed with work that I didn’t know when the sun outside the window set.

I closed my computer, ready to leave when a knock disrupted me. I was livid for a moment, realizing that Johnathan might still be waiting for me to dismiss him for the day.

“Johnathan, I’m sorry for keeping you.” I raised my voice a bit more and nearly shouted, “You can go home.”

The knock persisted. I angrily arose as my chair swirled from the quick motion of my body.

“What the–” I opened the door to Julia. She looked different, a little fatter, and her hair had been style into a bob.

“Hi, Henry,” Julia said. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“What are you doing here, Julia?”

“What do you mean? I’m here because you won’t answer my calls, and you won’t call me back.”

I looked around the quiet hallway, making sure that this was not a media stunt, while also making sure there were no hidden onlooking cameras.

“What are you afraid of, Henry?” Julia asked. She had grown a scary kind of confidence. “Are you afraid Amelia is going to see us together again?”

“Look, Julia, whatever we had was a long time ago is gone. Six, seven months is a long time to get over this, Julia.”

“Yeah, long enough to create a seven-month-old pregnancy.” Julia looked down at her bulging stomach.

Now, I realize why Julia looked different. It was because she was pregnant. “What?” My jaw dropped as I yelled, “You are pregnant, with whom?”

Julia shrugged. “You, Henry,” Julia said. “Who else?”

“This is a joke, right?” I smirked, looking behind her again. “Is there a cameraman somewhere recording this moment?”

“Why do you think I’m playing a prank on you, Henry? My pregnancy symptoms came late. I was four months gone by then; and when I tracked down my conception, it was when you and I were still together.”

“Look, I’m not trying to break your marriage. I’m just asking you to step up as the child’s father.”

I chuckled, unable to comprehend what Julia had just said.

“I’ll call you soon, Julia,” I promised. “We will talk soon, but not today.”

Julia held her hands at her hips. “If you don’t hold to your words, I may be forced to tell your wife about it.”

“Don’t you dare go near my wife,” I warned. “I will call you tomorrow, and we’ll talk more.”

Julia turned to leave, and I closed the door behind her. I found my chair, hitting my head on the headrest as I let out a long sigh. I was confident that this was just one of Julia’s schemes to get a hold of me or to make Amelia doubt our marriage. I ran my fingers into my hair, hoping for some answer to this pregnancy. I had to make sure that Julia didn’t let it get out to the media. They’d feast on it like vultures, and Mother would never forgive me for something as scandalous as a baby with another woman.

My phone suddenly rang. It was a call from Troy, so I picked up with no hesitation. I could seek medical advice from him concerning Julia’s pregnancy. I could verify whatever Julia had just told me. But Troy had troubles of his own,

“Are you watching the TV?”

“What’s going on?” My heart skipped a beat, thinking Julia had gone public with her pregnancy. I did as he asked, taking my remote to switch the television on. I thought I’d feel relief seeing another person’s face on the television, but my feelings remained the same as I stared at Troy’s face on a news channel.

The headline couldn't have been bolder. Troy Robinson Secretly Married His Staff a Few Months ago. I increased the television’s volume, and the headline sent me off my seat. It was about Troy Robinson's secret marriage to Camille Anderson. This scandal was going to go on for a while. The media would feast on the fact that Camille was Troy's subordinate. Another channel asked a rhetorical question, Was Camille Anderson Coerced by her Boss?

I realized that this news was everywhere because it was accompanied by pictures of Camille and Troy together. Then I looked down at my phone and realized that Troy was still on the line. “Do you know anything about this?”

“No,” I replied. “I don’t have a clue.”

“Who could have done this?”