He doesn’t say a word, but meets my probing gaze with an unapologetic expression on his face. Dad was never close with his brother, but he helped him with his gambling problem before.

“I think you’re the one who would disappoint him right now—”

“Get out,” I say, my voice trembling with anger. “Leave my office. Now.”

But he doesn’t budge. Instead, he sneers back at me, “You can’t throw me out of my own company, Madison.”

My frustration boils over and I raise my voice. “This is not your company. It’s mine!”

His eyes widen in shock when I rise to my feet, pointing to the door with a trembling finger. I only now realize that the door has been standing ajar, so half the floor must have heard my little outburst.

Great. I’m sure this’ll make me look real professional in the eyes of our employees.

My heart is racing, but I manage to stay calm and maintain eye-contact with Uncle Walter, never breaking my stance, as I refuse to show him even the slightest sign of weakness.

“Get. Out.” I repeat pointedly. And to my surprise, he does get up from his seat, then he turns around to walk away, but not without throwing me one last, angry glance.

“Close the door behind you,” I manage to say, just as he leaves the room.

As soon as the door clicks shut, I fall back into my seat—and then I break down in tears, slumped over my desk.

Chapter 34


I never thought I’d attend one of Raymond’s public classes again, after becoming one of his private students, but here I am. And I came here with a purpose, a silent hope to run into Madison again.

I scan the hall after stepping on the mat, and there she is, a glint of surprise but not displeasure in her eyes as they meet mine. Today is a gi class, and it’s the first time I see Madison in her uniform, proving that she is in fact the proud owner of a brown belt.

The air is charged with a palpable tension, a blend of attraction and unspoken words hanging between us, as I walk over to her.

“What are you—”

I cut her greeting short, by placing a hand at the small of her back and pulling her in for a kiss. It feels so natural to do this, her lips on mine and her scent greeting me. She seems to feel the same way, because there is no resistance from her side, her soft lips meet mine with sensual intent. Her eyes are closed when I retreat, and I can feel my pulse speeding with the excitement of being close to her.

But as reality comes crashing back, I realize what I’ve done. This isn’t some casual fling; Madison is a woman I genuinely want to be with. I find myself wanting to be the one to make her smile, to be the one she turns to, like she did with that guy—who I now know to be her best, and gay, friend.

The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. She’s someone I’m falling for, someone I shouldn’t be falling for.

“Why did you do that?” she asks, a line emerging between her brows.

“I don’t know,” I reply honestly, suddenly feeling like the rug has been pulled from under my feet.

A pang of guilt gnaws at me. I know I’ve complicated her life—and mine—with my actions, but I don’t see a way out.

And I definitely don’t see a way away from Madison. She has to stay mine.

“You don’t know?” she repeats in disbelief, crossing her arms right above her impressive belt. “What the fuck, Chase? What am I… how am I supposed to feel right now?”

“Why are you so snippy with me? It was just a kiss, and I—”

“Just a kiss, yes,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Do you know what I had to endure earlier today?”

I shake my head. “Of course I don’t. How could I?”

She sighs, her frustration evident. “That’s right, of course you don’t. And I bet you don’t care either. Because none of this is your fault, right?” she laments. “I had a very uncomfortable meeting with my uncle this morning. He’s trying to threaten me to get this goddamn buyout on the road. I bet you’re happy to hear that?.”

I want to refute her words, tell her that their issues run deeper than my involvement, but I realize it won’t help.