“Damn girl, where did you disappear to?” he asks, almost spilling the champagne in his hand because he’s laughing so hard.

“Nowhere, I was just thinking about…” I murmur, unsure how to finish that sentence.

Max raises an eyebrow at me, and I hurry to say, “It’s just that… I could use a fun night out, after all the stress I’ve been under lately.”

Max raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Does any of that stress have to do with a certain guy named Chase?”

I freeze, caught off guard by his question. Max seems to have an inexplicable ability to look right into my head, no matter how much I try to deflect.

Chase. His name lingers in the air, and I can’t help but feel a pang of irritation mixed with something I’m not quite ready to admit.

“Why would you say that?” I counter, my tone a little too defensive.

Max just grins, sipping his champagne. “Oh, come on. I know you better than you know yourself.”

I let out a halfhearted laugh, a mixture of exasperation and amusement. “Fine. Maybe he’s been a small part of the chaos.”

Max raises his glass, offering a playful toast. “To the chaos, then. And to you, my fabulous friend, who’s about to sweep everyone off their feet at that gala. Especially with that dress.”

As I clink my glass against his, I can’t help but smile. In this extravagant store surrounded by beautiful dresses and the comforting presence of my best friend, the stress seems a little more manageable. And maybe, just maybe, the chaos isn’t all that bad.

I carefully sit down in the seat next to Max and reach for my champagne flute to clink glasses with him.

“So, will I be meeting that handsome Chase at the gala?” he wants to know, his lips curved into a devilish smile.

I shake my head violently. “Absolutely not! Why would he be there?”

“Because he works in the same sector? Because he seems to be quite a big shot in that realm?” he suggests. “Or… because you invited him?”

My indignant gasp makes him laugh.

“Why would I invite him? Have you not listened to what I told you about him? He’s obnoxious, arrogant and—”

“Handsome, tall, athletic, and you love to roll with him!” Max jokes, laughing when he notices the heat on my face. “Oh, Madison, you’re adorable. It’s obvious that you’re intrigued by the guy!”

“I’m…” I stutter, unsure how to finish that sentence without lying to Max. I hate that he’s not wrong about this. “I’m… he’s annoying.”

“And a challenge,” Max concludes. “And when has Madison Hailey ever shied away from a challenge?”

He throws me a provocative look, one eyebrow raised as he tilts his head to the side.

“And trust me, if he saw you in that dress, I’m sure you two would—”

“Stop it!” I interrupt him, already feeling my ears turn red at the thought of it. I can’t let my mind wander to that again. I can’t control my dreams, but I can control what my mind latches on during the day. And I don’t want it to be him.

“He’s not going to be there,” I say. “And that’s a good thing, because you know what I really want?”

“What’s that?”

“A fun night out with my best friend. No stress, just great food, bottomless champagne, and maybe a little tipsy networking,” I tell him.

“Don’t forget about being celebrated, Miss Excellent Innovator,” Max reminds me. “You will be the star of the night! I can’t wait.”

I smile at him, already feeling some of the stress depart as my shoulders relax and I exchange a smile with my supporting friend—the best I could ever ask for. With Max, there’s a guarantee that the night is going to be nothing but fun.

Chapter 14
