Page 14 of Meet Me On The Ice

“Listen, Kim.”

“We’re here.”

I interrupted him, not sure if I wanted him to continue what he was going to say. I was out of the car before he could finish his sentence, fishing for my front door keys in my handbag.

“Thank you for the lift.” I shouted just loud enough for him to hear me.

Opening and shutting the door quickly behind me, Daisy rushed to greet me, but I acknowledge her only for a second. Before rushing to stare out from the front door window. Waiting to see through the fogged glass for him to turn his car around and drive off. A sigh of relief escaped me, then the cry I have been holding in since the song started.

“Alexa, play Lana Del Rey.”

As music had already destroyed my day, reminding me of things I didn’t want to be reminded of, I might as well play one of my favorite artists. "Say Yes To Heaven" started to play throughout the house. Luke had set up speakers in every room connecting to our living rooms Alexa. He said it was a way to create magic wherever you went. He had such an ear for lyrics and melodies, if the cancer hadn’t taken him, he was going to become a composer and he would have made an amazing career of it.

Giving Daisy a hug and a kiss as she had waited patiently for me. Finally I locked the front door and headed towards the kitchen. I needed another drink and the wine in the fridge was calling to me as my phone buzzed.

Did you get home safe?

It was a message in our group chat from Jasmine. Instead of answering I flicked my phone face down. I refused to answer it yet. But before I knew it, it buzzed again, and again and again. More texts from the other girls.

Oi. Don’t ignore us.

We will continue to bother you until you answer.

Or we will phone the sheriff to come check on you.

Alright Jaz!

Yes, I’m home safe and sound. Sam gave me a ride.

Did you ride him to? ;)

You’re disgusting,

And no, he dropped me at the bottom of my drive, I said thanks and left.

Filling my glass halfway then grabbing a dog treat for Daisy, I headed to my sofa. Switching the fire on via the remote, I was grateful for the instant warmth it gave the room.

Another buzz and this time it wasn’t from the group chat, but an unknown number.

Hey! Sorry if I made you feel awkward earlier.

Who’s this?

Sam. Sorry, my PA gave me your number.

And how the hell did your PA get my number?

Ah, eh, you know I didn’t think to ask her. Sorry, should I delete it?

Well, this felt like an invasion of privacy if I ever saw it. I was ready to angrily text back demanding he removed my number from his phone, but something stopped me. Looking down at Daisy, she came up to sit next to me on the sofa, tucking her nose in my lap. She looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes just begging for ear scratches.

Looking away from her puppy dog eyes, my eyes fell on the only photograph of Luke and I that was left on the mantelpiece. The photograph was of us in the snow, I was on top of his back and both of us were beaming with smiles. Daisy, who was only a year old at the time, was laying at our feet.

No, it’s fine. You didn’t make me feel awkward, that song just brings back memories, that's all.

Good ones, I hope.
