Jim ran his thumb across Nina’s wrist. The tenderness of her skin made him wonder how the rest of her would feel. Now that he had Nina to himself, no way was he going back into that stadium, no matter who was calling. “Sorry, I’m already gone. I haveadate.”
He smiled at Nina, who grinned back. The headlights of a departing car swept across her, illuminating every one of her slim curves. She wore flowered jeans so tight they could have been leggings and a loose cotton bohemian-type top. Tendrils of white-blond hair clung to her skin, damp from the mugginess of thenight.
“What is wrong with everyone?” Duke thundered. “No respect for fucking tradition anymore. The Friars want you, idiot. You’re beingcalledup.”
It took a moment for his meaning to sinkin. “What?”
“You heard me. I think. Who are you with, anyway? Can you tell them to give you yourbrainsback?”
Jim ignored the abuse. “Did you say I’m gettingcalledup?”
“No, I said you’re gettingdolledup. Get that Disney dress back on, boy. Of course I said called up. Goddamn it, why do you kids do this to me? Maybe it’s time toretire.”
“Called up?” He still could barely believe it. He had to look to Nina for confirmation. She snatched the phonefromhim.
“Duke, this is Nina Stark. Is Jim really gettingcalledup?”
“Now this is definitely a first,” Duke grumbled. “Telling a player’s girlfriend ain’t proper protocol. Yes, Nina. He needs to get his ass to the airport. He’s in the lineup for tomorrow’s game. Dwight Conner’s coming back, Lieberman’s going up. Fucking revolving door around here. No wonder I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in thirty years. Can you help him get the news through his thickskull,Nina?”
“Yes, I can do that. Good night, Duke. Get some sleep. Have you tried putting some lavender oil drops on your pillow? It’s verysoothing.”
The call ended rather abruptly after that, and Nina handed his phone back to him. He took it numbly. She reached up and cupped her hands around his face. “This is real, Jim. You’re really going to San Diego,” she said in a hushed voice. “I can’t believe I was here to witness this moment. We’re going to go back to your place now, pack your bag, and I’ll drive you to theairport.”
He nodded. So many emotions flooded through him that he didn’t quite know what to do with them all. Amazement, terror, excitement, awe, shock, and above all—regret that he was leaving Nina, just when things were finally moving in the direction he’d dreamed about forsolong.
But The Call…The Call. The Call had come—forhim! A huge grin broke across his face. He swooped Nina into his arms again and spun her around until she was laughing and clutching hisshoulders.
When he finally paused and crushed her against him, she whispered into hischest, “Jim?”
“I’m definitely dazzled. That was, hands down, the most romantically amazing date I could everimagine.”
Yes, he absolutely agreed—with only one complaint. By tomorrow, he’d be fifteen hundredmilesaway.
* * *
Nina helped him pack,because he was so overcome with amazement he could barely focus. He called his family while she put his t-shirts into a suitcase. It was such an intimate act, letting someone handle your things, but it felt so natural. Nina could handle any of his things she wanted, forevermore. He would neverobject.
After he delivered his incredible news to his parents and little sister, they sat down with leftover pizza in the apartment he shared with two other guys on the team. They were at the Roadhouse celebrating the victory, so he and Nina had his place to themselves. But they didn’t have much time, no more than an hour before he had to hittheroad.
Should he kiss her? What about more? What about…sex? He ached whenever he looked at Nina. But to take their relationship to the next level right before he left, that didn’t seem right. When would he see heragain?
“Do you have any plans to visit Trevoranytimesoon?”
“Maybe.” She smiled at him as she chewed her slice. “He’s always inviting me. By the way, he says you should stay with them until you find your own place. He’s going to text you the address. He says it’s a big penthouse condo with two extrabedrooms.”
Jim swallowed hard. Staying with Trevor didn’t sound very relaxing. But he couldn’t very well turn down Nina’s brother. “That’s niceofhim.”
“Probably wants to keep an eye on you.” She winked over a mouthful ofcheese.
That was asafebet.
“You know, I did a Google search about how to date an athlete. There were ten things on the list, like always be supportive, come to as many games as possible, offer back rubs. Give them space if they have a bad game. I can’t remember the other things, but I think the ‘giving space’ is the only one I can do long-distance. Well, and besupportive.”
He put down his pizza and shoved it aside. “You looked that up onGoogle?”
“Yes.” Pink flooded her cheeks. “Is that weird? Are we not—that’s what we’re doing,right?”