Ryan nods, seeming to understand. “I promise, Dad. I need some alone time, that’s all. I’m not going to do anything stupid.”


“I swear, Dad.”

Duke nods. “Okay then. I’m trusting you.”

Ryan leaves the room. Duke watches him go, his expression tight, clenching his jaw. He looks at me with a heartbreaking quality in his eyes. There’s disappointment and a little anger mixed in there as if he’s wondering if this will ever end.

I stand up, walk over to him, wrap my arms around his body, and press against him. I hope he can feel every piece of comfort and support bubbling up inside me with all the certainty that thiswillwork. After a pause, he wraps his arms around me.

Rachael stands and clears her throat. “I should get going.”

Letting Duke go, I quickly turn to her. “What? No way. Stay here, Rach. At least for today and tonight.”

Rachael glances at Duke. “I’m not sure…”

I look at Duke, giving him what I think of as thewife eyes. Looking at each other like this may be a small thing, but it makes me feel wildly intimate. It makes me feel like, one day, we’ll be so close we won’t even have to talk, bonded forever. Our intimacy will make it like we’re reading each other’s minds to other people.

Duke smiles at Rachael. Despite everything, it seems genuine, as if he’s pushing away the darkness and the pain. “Please, Rachael,” Duke says. “It’s no trouble at all, and selfishly, I’d like my woman to have her friend with her.”

My skin tingles when he saysmy woman, just like it did the first time we touched, just like it always will when we share any steaminess or love. Rachael smiles at me. She’s always wanted me to find somebody and be happy, and now I am. Now, I never have to doubt how significant this is—how significantweare.

“Please, Rach?” I say.

She smiles and nods. “Yeah, sure. Only if you don’t mind. The idea of being alone right now doesn’t exactly thrill me.”

“It’s no troubleat all,” Duke repeats, with more emphasis this time.

“Thank you,” Rachael says.

“So,” I say, “what should we do today? I don’t know about everybody else, but I could fall asleep right now.”

“I was just thinking the same,” Duke replies. “I’m exhausted, and not just physically.”

“That makes three of us,” Rachael says. “Do you think it is safe?”

Duke nods. “It’s all out in the open now. The cops know who these idiots are or were, for the ones who didn’t make it.” His voice is merciless when he adds this last bit. He has no pity for the monsters who tried to take everything from us. “The dirty cops are on the run. I think, finally, we can relax.”

He curls his hand around my hip and pulls me to him. His hand tightens. Despite everything, I’m sure I can feel some lust in his touch, some urgency. Are we really going to sleep, or will our fierce desire overwhelm us? But what about Ryan? What if he can’t accept it?



The curtains are drawn, and the door is locked as I lie with my woman in my arms. She has her back to me, her thick, perfect ass pressed against my groin. We said we were coming up here to sleep, but it’s been at least thirty minutes, and rest seems very far away.

She shifts against me, her ass rubbing against my swollen tip. After all the violence, the fear, the pain, it’s like my instincts are roaring at me that the time to claim her isnow. Yet Ryan has left so much up in the air. He couldstillmake our lives difficult.

“Are you asleep?” she whispers.

I smile and kiss the back of her neck, smelling her hair, smellingher. “I think you know the answer to that question.”

She shifts against me again, making my manhood get even harder. My balls are full of tension, lust, and heat. I push firmer against her ass, savoring her curviness, my hand resting on her hip.

“We shouldn’t…” She moans seductively when I drive even harder against her. “Should we?”

“I don’t know,” I growl.