I stand, too. If Ethan weren’t here, I’d walk around the coffee table and pull her into my arms. I’d hold her tightly, whispering that she’s mine. I’d tell her that every single part of her belongs to me, her womb most of all.

“Tell him.” Molly turns to Ethan. “He can’t go.”

Ethan bites down, tracing his scar again. “You can’t go alone. I know that much.”

“He can’t go atall,” Molly says. “There must be a way for the police to help.”

“What if the wrong cops find out?” I snap. “Then Ryan isdead.”

I remember holding him for the first time, his tiny hand curling around my finger, telling myself his love would make life with my ex worth it. I would’ve stuck it out for my son, even if we didn’t love each other.

“Neither of us wants that, do we?” I say.

“Obviously not,” she snaps, glaring at me. “But I don’t want you to die, either.”

“I have to go,” I say. “Alone.”

“Not alone,” Ethan replies firmly. “I’ll be there. I’ve got a couple of cop buddies, too. I know they’re solid. We’ll be nearby. We’ll be ready.”

“But if you’re too close, if they see you—”

“I’ll be there, too,” Molly says.

“No,” I almost shout. Walking around the table, I stare down at her and yell, “You’re not going anywhere near them!” I remember the bar and the fury that flooded into me. I could’ve killed every bastard in there for even thinking about making my woman suffer. “You need to be safe. Always.”

She flinches on thealways. I’m dropping so many unsubtle hints about my true feelings for her. “Nobody isalwayssafe,” she says after a pause. “You can’t protec—”

“I can,” I interrupt. “Iwill. If you’re anywhere near me when this shit goes down, I won’t be able to focus. I’ll be thinking about you. That could get meandRyan killed.”

“But you don’t even know what they have planned,” she protests. “What if you meet them, and then,bam, they take you out, just like that? Then what?”

If that happens, I’ll never be able to marry Molly. I’ll never be able to fill her young, perfect body with my seed. I’ll never be at her side as she brings our first child into this world, flushed and beautiful with the effort.

“He’s my son,” I tell her. “There’s nothing else to consider, Molly. They’re going to hurt my child. I’ve failed him enough. I can’t let this happen. I won’t. I’m going.”

She steps forward, staring up at me, her eyes glistening. “Please.”

I turn away. If I don’t, there’s a chance the pain in her expression will weaken me. I’ll let her persuade me that it’s better if I don’t go, and then, when Ryan turns up dead, I’ll go insane with guilt.When we have kids, Molly, I’d do the same for them. Maybe I’d say that if Ethan wasn’t here.

“I’m going to gather my buddies,” Ethan says, standing. “It’s better if I go in person. I can make sure they’re alone. If the wrong people hear…”

He doesn’t have to say it. Ryan will be dead.

“Okay, thank you.” Walking around the other side of the table, purposefully avoiding Molly, I offer my hand. “You’re a good man.”

“Your gym saved my life,” Ethan says, shaking my hand vigorously. “It’s only right I return the favor.”

I walk Ethan to the door, then return to the living room to find Molly with her face buried in her hands. She’s crying softly, breaking my damn heart. She doesn’t deserve any of this. I sit beside her and wrap my arm around her shoulder, but she breaks my heart again, moving away from me.

Sitting back, I place my hands in my lap, looking at the clock. Not long now.



Crying feels so useless. I try to stop myself several times. That’s why I moved away from Duke when he put his arm around me. It reminded me that, soon, I might never see him again. I’ll never feel his warmth. I’ll never see his smirk or the hungry glint in his eyes.

Finally, I get myself under control. Without saying anything and without looking at him, I stand and walk to the bathroom. My entire face is red from crying. My eyes are bloodshot. I splash myself with cold water and then return to the living room. Duke is still sitting on the couch, resting his elbows on his knees. He looks up at me, his mouth pitched into a tight frown. “Come here, Molly.”