“The point is, yousavedus,” Rachael says. “You’re a hero.”

I turn and offer her a smile. “You never would’ve been in danger if it wasn’t for me.”

“We’d all still be in danger if it wasn’t for you,” Duke says fiercely.

“He’s right,” Ethan says. “If those shots had come any later, God knows what those cowards would’ve done. You did the right thing.”

“I just couldn’t watch them hurt Duke anymore,” I whisper.

Ethan laughs gruffly. “Duke hurt them plenty, too. It’s already becoming a legend. Duke Harrow, hands behind his back… You could write a book about this and make millions.”

Duke looks at Ryan, then turns to me with that subtle smile, the corner of his lip twitching. “I’ve got everything I need right here.”

“What now?” Ryan asks. “What do we do?”

“Try to return to regular life. You’ll have police escorts for the time being until everything is finalized, but you did it. We did it. These bastards will think twice before making moves in this city again.”

Ethan seems far happier than the rest of us. That’s probably because he sees this purely from a cop’s perspective. All the civilians escaped, and the criminals are either dead or in jail. Plus, he’s not getting in trouble with his boss. That’s a win for him.

“Call me if you need anything,” Ethan says before he leaves.

Duke walks him to the door, leaving Rachael, Ryan, and me in the living room together. Rachael stands up, pacing as she often does. She glances at Ryan, at me, then looks at Ryan steadily when she stops walking.

“I hated you when you two were together. You know that, right?”


“No, it’s okay,” Ryan says. “Yeah, I know that, Rachael, and I can’t blame you. I was a real piece of shit. I’ve got some issues to work through, but it’s no excuse.”

“He saved my life,” I remind Rachael, “and I’ve forgiven him.”

Ryan turns to me sharply. It still feels so weird that we were ever in a relationship together. It’s doubly strange because, at certain angles, I can see a younger version of Duke. In his eyes, the same determination to do better,bebetter. “You have?”

“Yes,” I say firmly. “All I want is to go on with my life. All I want is to be with Duke and be happy.”

“Be with… Dad?” Ryan swallows.

Uh oh. Don’t tell me he’s not going to give us his blessing. After everything, I just assumed that he would. I didn’t even ask him.

“Yes,” I say firmly. “I want to be with him.” I hesitate, wondering if I should go all the way, but I have to. “Forever,” I go on. “You might as well know that we’re in this for the long term, Ryan. We’re going to have a family together. I think—I hope—we’ll get married one day.”

“Weare,” Duke says passionately from the doorway, looking dashing in his shirt, the top buttons undone, sleeves rolled up. Only the bandage on his head and the tiredness in his eyes show any sign of what happened. “We’re the real thing, Molly.”

Ryan stands, looks at me, then looks at his dad.

“What is it, son?” Duke asks.

“Just…” Ryan swallows. “Every time I look at her andyou, Molly, it reminds me of the person I was. The asshole I was—the bully. I’m not sure I can get over that, but maybe I deserve to be reminded of it daily.” He shudders. “I’m sorry. I need to be alone.”


He cuts Duke off, walking quickly toward the door. “Please, Dad. Please, just leave me alone.”

“Wait,” Duke says.

Ryan stops and sighs. “What?”

“I need to know you’ll stay in the house.”