“Yeah,” Liam agrees. “To be honest, it’s nice to see you taking an interest in her. It’s been a long time.”
“I have no fucking interest in our new hostage,” I snarl at them before taking a swig of my beer.
“Good to know,” Liam says as he stares at me. “Leaves the pathway open for me and Mikey then.” He grins at me.
“Stop fucking with him.” Mikey nudges Liam on the arm. “He can’t help it if he’s got a hard on for her.”
I down the last of my beer and slam the bottle onto the counter. “You two are a pair of assholes!” I snap and then I stalk out of the kitchen and along the hallway. I almost bump into Dr. Lisa when I do.
“Hey, Conor.” She takes a step back and sucks in a breath. A few years after my brothers and I came to New York, and she was fresh out of med school, she saved Mikey’s life. A fight broke out in our club one night and someone stabbed him in the gut. He lay bleeding out on the dance floor and Lisa knew exactly what to do. She’s been our personal physician ever since. She asks no questions. She is loyal, and she is fucking good at her job. Whenever we need her to, she patches us up and makes sure we’re always at the top of our game. I don’t know what we’d do without her.
“How is she?” I nod toward the door she has just come out of.
“Surprisingly well for a woman who has just been kidnapped,” she says with a flash of her eyebrows.
“I guess she’s pretty tough. We found her working for Nikolai Semenov.”
“Shit! She must be then. Is that where you all went today?” she asks, her eyes full of concern.
She reaches out and places a hand on my arm. “I know it must have taken a lot for you to go there. Are you okay?”
I swallow hard. I don’t want to have this conversation, and especially not with her. She’s desperate to fix me. If I gave her even the slightest suggestion that I’d consider speaking to one, she’d have a shrink in here within five minutes. She doesn’t understand that what Nikola Semenov did to me can’t be fixed—not like that anyway.
“When will you have her results back?” I ask, ignoring her question.
She stares at me, her eyes searching my face as though she might find the answer to her question written there. Eventually she shakes her head and sighs. “I’ll have them in a few days. I’ll send them over to you as soon as I do. I can tell you now that she’s not pregnant though.”
“Oh? How?”
“She has a contraceptive implant in her arm. And she’s on her period. Do you have any provisions here for her?”
“No.” I shake my head.
“I could have some sent over. But, she’ll need clothes too.” She shoots me a look of disapproval and I can tell she’d like to yell at me for being so dumb.
“Thanks for the offer. But, I’ll sort some stuff out for her. And, she was kind of a surprise. We had no idea she’d be there, and we certainly didn’t plan on kidnapping her and bringing her back here.”
“So, why did you? Kidnapping isn’t exactly your style, Conor. Not women, at least.”
“She asked to come with us. And I don’t know.” I shake my head. “But there was something about her. The way she stood up to Shane. You should have seen her.”
Lisa smiles at me and I realize it’s because I’m smiling too. “She seems like a woman who can handle herself. But, just be careful. You have no idea who she really is.”
“You sound like Shane.”
She shrugs. “Well, maybe that’s because we both care about you, and those knuckle-head little brothers of yours.”
“Well, I think I’m pretty capable of handling a five-and-a-half-foot computer geek,” I arch one eyebrow at her.
She laughs out loud. “Oh, Conor. I’m pretty sure she could turn you and your brothers inside out if she wanted to, sweetheart. So don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Then she pushes up onto her tiptoes and gives me a soft kiss on the cheek. “Take care of yourself, handsome. I’ll be in touch as soon as I have those results.”
I watch her walk to the elevator and lift my hand to my cheek to wipe away the lipstick stain she will have left there. She’s wrong. I can handle Jessie Heaton. But just how much I’d like to handle her might become a problem.