“Fine by me,” I breathe as I snuggle against Liam’s chest.

Mikey snorts laughing while Conor stares at me. “Did you just agree to that with no arguing at all?” he asks with a flash of his eyebrows.

Liam places a hand on my forehead. “She’s delirious,” he says with a smile and I nudge him in the ribs.

“I am not. I’m just not overly keen on being kidnapped by some psycho again is all. I mean three kidnappings is enough for any woman to take.”

“And that’s not including the times we kidnapped you,” Mikey adds with a chuckle.

“Exactly.” I grin at him.

“I’ve already decided I’m sticking a tracker in your ass,” Shane says with a completely straight face.

“The hell you are!” I snap.

“Now, there’s our little firecracker,” Mikey chuckles.

“Yes, the hell I am, sweetheart,” Shane goes on.

I look at Mikey, Conor and Liam and they’re nodding their agreement. “Fine! If I’m having a tracker in my ass then so are all of you.”

“Fine by me,” Liam says.

“Me too,” Mikey agrees.

“Seems like a good idea,” Conor adds.

“You’ve already decided this then?” I fold my arms across my chest in feigned indignation but actually a tracker is a great idea.

“Yep,” Shane says with a nod.

“And you’re getting one too?”

He winks at me. “Yup.”

“It’s not going in my ass though!”

“I agree. Jessie’s ass is like a work of art. What if it causes a lump or something?” Mikey agrees with me.

“Your arm then,” Shane says with a shrug. “I don’t care where, as long as it is somewhere in that hot little body of yours.”

The heat between my thighs makes me squirm in Liam’s lap again.

“Careful, Shane,” Liam chuckles. “You know it literally takes nothing to have our girl on the edge these days.”

“Hmm,” Mikey says as he walks behind the sofa and bends down to kiss the top of my head. “Pregnancy makes you even hornier than normal, Red.”

“I am not horny,” I insist.

“You are,” Liam whispers against my ear before he presses a kiss against the spot on my neck that makes me weak at the knees.

“Well, I am now that you’re kissing my neck,” I moan softly making him laugh. “You all tease me about being horny but that’s because between the four of you walking around here half-naked, the kissing, the filthy talk, the ass grabbing, it’s like I’m being constantly edged.” I pant, blowing a strand of hair out of my eyes.

“Edged?” Shane arches an eyebrow at me. “You’re never kept waiting long enough to be truly edged, sweetheart.”

“True,” Conor agrees. “We all love making you come too much.”

“But if you want to keep complaining about being edged, we can make that happen,” Shane adds with a wicked grin.