“Thank fuck for that,” Shane says with a sigh as he hugs me tightly and presses a soft kiss on my forehead. Erin looks up at us and pain is so clearly etched on her face that it almost makes me smile. Nothing that happens from here on in could possibly hurt her more than what Shane just did.

“What happened to him?” Conor indicates his head to Hayden, who is practically held up by Mikey with blood pouring from his mouth and nose.

“Liam almost killed him but Jessie asked him not to,” Mikey says matter-of-factly.

Shane and Conor both look at me.

“It wasn’t his fault. He had no idea what Erin was really planning. She wanted you to think it was Hayden who was behind it all, so then you two could run off into the sunset.” I say that last part to Shane and his face contorts with anger before he looks at Erin who sits on the floor, looking at us all like we’re something she just stepped in. Even in defeat she thinks she’s better than everyone else.

Shane crouches down so he’s at her eye level. “Tell me that this wasn’t all just some ploy to get me back,” he hisses.

She sits straighter, brushing imaginary dust from her clothes as she looks him straight in the eye. “We belong together, Shane. I can give you babies. Lots of them. And you could guarantee every one of them would be yours,” she sneers as she looks at his brothers and me.


Liam winces beside me as though he expects Erin to get a punch in the mouth for what she just said, but Shane would never hit her. He’s not that guy. Besides, he knows a much more effective way to cause her pain that involves nothing other than his words.

“I thought I made it clear, back in Ireland, that you mean nothing to me, Erin. Less than nothing. You are insignificant,” he spits.

She narrows her eyes at him. “You don’t mean that. You love me. We’d still be together if it wasn’t for your needy little brothers! I’d have fucked them all too if I’d known that was what it would take.”

Liam pulls me tighter as Mikey screws his face up in disgust.

Conor scowls at her. “I wouldn’t touch you with a fifty-foot pole, you piece of shit.”

Shane laughs. “Nobody in this room wants you, Erin. Nobody likes you. Jessie could be carrying a complete stranger’s baby and I’d still love her and her babies more than anything or anyone else in this entire fucking world.” He pulls a handgun from the waistband of his suit pants and presses it against her temple.

Her lip trembles. “Shane! You don’t have to do this.”

“You tried to murder my wife and our children.”

“You can’t kill me. You loved me once. I know you did. This isn’t you,” she pleads.

“You have no idea who I am,” he snarls at her then he looks up at me. “You want to do this, sweetheart?”

I shake my head. I hate Erin but I don’t want to blow her head off.

“She doesn’t have the balls to shoot me,” Erin spits as she glares at me, her face so full of venom and jealousy that it distorts her once beautiful features. “She’s a fucking whore and a slut and I hope her babies are born deformed and screaming in pain because what she does with you all is sick and unnatural.”

The anger that ripples through my husbands is so pronounced that I feel it in every fiber of my being. Shane grabs her by the throat and Mikey, Liam and Conor edge forward but their anger pales into insignificance compared to mine. “Stop!” I hiss, holding up my hand and Liam, Mikey and Conor freeze on the spot. “Let her go,” I say to Shane.

He releases his grip on her throat and stands straight. Anger bubbles through my chest like a mini volcano just erupted in my gut.

I lean over her. “You are an evil bitch!” I hiss. “Our babies are going to be strong and beautiful. They will be given more love than you can even comprehend. You think I don’t have the balls to kill you? I have killed men much bigger, stronger and smarter than you, Erin. I could rip your throat out now and I wouldn’t feel a shred of remorse, but I won’t. You want to know why?”

She glares at me, her eyes burning into mine as though she’s hoping I’ll burst into flames just from the heat of her gaze.

“I want you to look into the eyes of the man you love. The same man who despises you and who adores me and our babies, as he ends your pathetic existence.”

Her eyes flicker to Shane and the change in her face is instant. Tears roll down her face.

“Shane!” she pleads. “I love you.”

She’s a smart woman and she knows her best odds are to try and talk her way out of this. To try and reason with the man standing beside her, who indeed did love her once. I reach for Shane’s free hand and lace my fingers through his.

He frowns deeply and I see the emotions flicker over Erin’s face. The soft sigh escaping her lips as she believes he’s going to let her go.

Seems like Shane was right. She doesn’t know him at all. The sound of the gunshot rings around the small room and Erin drops to the floor. Blood pools around her head and her lifeless eyes stare up at me accusingly.