“You taste like fucking shit!” I snarl as I tower over him. He has his hands pressed over the gaping hole in his face as he cries and begs for his life.
We have been in this tiny shit-box of a room for two hours. We had the element of surprise and we had all four of the brotherhood members overpowered and restrained within five minutes of getting through the door. But Shane was right about them being hardcore. For the first hour, they all refused to speak at all, no matter what we inflicted on them.
We’re pretty limited in terms of weapons, but both Shane and I, as well as Jakob and Rudolf know plenty of ways to cause pain. It was when we decided that we only needed one of them alive to get information that the real fun began.
So, we chose this poor fuck as the one who would sit and watch as his three colleagues were tortured to death. Even when they begged to be allowed to talk, we didn’t let up. They had their opportunity and they wasted it. So now their mutilated bodies lie scattered around the room.
“Are you ready to tell me why you tried to kidnap my wife and babies?” I snarl at him.
He mumbles something but he nods his head. I grab his blood-matted hair and pull him up from the floor before tossing him onto the bed.
“Who told you that Jessica Ivanov was still alive?” Shane asks him. He was asked this question once before when we first arrived and he told us to go fuck ourselves – in Russian – and earned himself a broken jaw. Now he has a hole in the middle of his face where his nose is supposed to be. His jaw hangs at an odd angle and he chokes from the blood running down his throat, but he will give me answers. I’ll make him write them down if I have to.
“She…told…us,” he sputters the words.
“She told you?” I snarl at him. “Who? Jessie?” I bring my face closer to his.
“She… said… take back power…” he says before he starts choking on his own blood.
I grab his throat and squeeze. “Who is she?” I snarl.
“Conor!” Shane’s hand is on my arm and I loosen my grip on our captive’s throat as Shane holds his chin up and presses a bottle of water to his lips.
“Drink!” he barks. “It will help.”
The Russian looks up at him gratefully as he swallows some of the cool liquid. When he has taken what he needs, Shane takes away the bottle and releases his grip on his chin. “I can end this right now if you tell me what I want to know.”
The Russian nods softly.
“Who told you to take back power?”
I watch my oldest brother’s face crumple before my eyes as the Russian says her name.
Chapter 47
My hands tremble as I knock on the apartment door. Mikey and Liam stand either side of me and I feel anger radiating from their bodies like heat from an open fire. I hope that Hayden’s friend doesn’t come back any time soon.
We wait for a moment and I knock again.
“He’s not going to come to the door,” Mikey says.
“Then let’s go to him,” Liam snarls.
Mikey wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me back from the door while his twin raises his right foot and kicks it open in one swift move.
“You’re so fucking good at that,” Mikey says appreciatively, but I don’t think Liam even hears him as he storms into the apartment. I rush in after him just in time to see Hayden scrambling into what I assume is the bedroom.
Liam and Mikey run in after him, while I try and close the apartment door as best I can given that it’s now hanging by one hinge.
A few seconds later, Hayden’s high pitched shriek pierces the air as he is dragged from the room by Liam, who is holding onto him by his hair.
“Shut the fuck up, or I will shut you up,” Liam snarls as he throws Hayden roughly onto the sofa. “Just give me a reason to rip your throat out right now.”
Hayden holds his hands over his head and pulls his feet up to his chest, curling up in a fetal position as he whimpers.
“For fuck’s sake, kid, I’d have expected more balls from someone in league with the Bratva,” Mikey snarls as he slaps Hayden across the head before pulling him up into a seated position. “Now sit up straight and look my wife in the eye while she asks you some questions. And if you tell the truth, I won’t cut off all your favorite body parts and make you eat them.”