“Where are Shane and Conor?” I ask.

“Out with Rudolf and Jakob. We can call them from the car,” Mikey replies.

“Okay,” I nod my agreement. “But boys…”

“Yeah?” They both turn and look at me.

“Can you let me handle this? Please?”

They both frown at me.

“Please?” I ask again.

“Okay, Red,” Mikey finally agrees. “But he puts one toe out of line and I will tear his head off his shoulders.”

“Thank you,” I say and then the three of us head to the basement to the armored SUV.

Chapter 45


Acall comes through from Mikey, and Conor presses the button to answer it. Our younger brother’s voice fills the car. “We found Hayden.”

I glance at Conor beside me in the driver’s seat. “Where?”

“Some apartment building in Newark. He must have been hiding out there or something. We’re on our way to him now.”

“All three of you?” I ask.


I swallow down the ball of anxiety that forces into my throat. “Be careful,” I warn him.

“We will, bro,” he says with a sigh.

“I mean it, Mikey. If anything happens to her…”

“You really think we’d let anything happen to her, Shane?” he barks at me and I close my eyes and take a breath. We’re all feeling the tension and the frustration of the last three days.

“Sorry,” he mumbles. “We’ll take good care of them all. Promise, bro.”

“I know, son.”

“Where are you and Conor anyway?”

“On our way to have a chat with a few members of the brotherhood,” Conor replies.

“Fuck! You found them then?”

“Yeah. We finally got a good lead and we’re heading to meet Jakob and Rudolf now.” Our efforts at the Black Bear were pretty fruitless but then Jakob and Rudolf had plenty of other contacts we could shake down and eventually we found someone who had seen a guy with the firebird tattoo at a motel on the outskirts of the city.

“You two be careful, too,” Mikey warns.

“We will, kid,” Conor replies.

“Keep us posted,” I say.
