“I have already told you that I don’t know. The information of her existence did not come from me or my sons,” Vlad barks. “If I wanted…”
Conor cuts him off before he can finish his sentence. “Yeah, if you wanted to cause her harm you would have already. You kinda told us that, but the thing is, no the fuck you wouldn’t because I would fucking kill you and every person you have ever so much as spoken to before I would let you harm a single hair on her head. And besides that, I just don’t buy it.”
Vlad narrows his eyes at Conor.
“If you’re so shit hot at what you do, why didn’t Alexei send you to find his daughter? He sent the brotherhood and they fucked it up. Then he sent the Wolf, and he didn’t exactly cover himself in glory either.” Conor leans forward now too. “So if you are so fucking good that you think you could take our girl out if you wanted to, why didn’t Alexei ask you to find her?”
“I did find her,” Vlad shouts back. “I found her before any of them!”
“What?” I stammer as I look between him and my irate husbands. “You can’t have.”
“I did, Jessie,” he says softly. “About six years after your parents left Russia.”
“But…” I blink at him.
“You were living in a trailer park in Idaho. Your trailer had a bright green door. Your mom had a herb garden on her window ledge. And you had a cat called Nugent,” he says.
I shake my head in disbelief, but there is no way he could have known that if he wasn’t there.
“Why didn’t you tell him?” I whisper.
“Because you all seemed so happy. Your parents had the twins by then, and I knew what Alexei would do to them. So, I warned your father and I told Alexei that you could never be found.”
“I remember we left that place in a hurry. We even left Nugent behind because he’d gone on one of his wanders and he wasn’t there when we were leaving. I cried for days.” I swallow hard at the memory.
“Alexei called off the search for two years after that, before the brotherhood persuaded him you could be found,” Vlad goes on.
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” I frown at him.
“It was insignificant,” he says with a shake of his head.
“Not to me,” I whisper.
He nods, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he swallows hard before he turns back to Shane and Conor. “You see, I have no reason to want Jessie dead. I have looked out for her whenever I could and I would do so until my last breath. She is a light in this world of darkness and demons, just like her mother before her.”
A sob catches in my throat but I swallow it down.
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” Shane says as he takes my hand and laces his fingers through mine and suddenly the tension in the room has dissolved and we are all on the same side.
“How can we get hold of this brotherhood?” Conor asks.
“My sons have some leads.”
“Hmm,” one of them grunts in agreement.
“They will be planning an…” he searches for the right word, “encounter with some of the members very shortly. Perhaps you would like to assist us?”
“Maybe.” Conor frowns, still suspicious of Vlad’s motives.
“It seems right now they are our common enemy.” Vlad raises an eyebrow at Shane who nods his agreement.
“It makes sense. But we want our time with them first. I need to know what they had planned for Jessie and who told them she was even alive.”
“Of course.” Vlad nods his head.
“Then you can kill them in whatever fashion you desire, preferably the most painful one imaginable,” Shane adds and that is met with smiles and grunts of assent from Vlad’s sons.
Chapter 43