I open the door and walk inside the dark room. She is on her side, curled up next to Shane. They both look so peaceful, I turn around to walk out again.
“You okay, Con?” Shane asks. I should have known he wouldn’t be in a deep sleep.
“The twins are back,” I say quietly so I don’t wake Jessie.
“I heard them falling through the door a few hours ago,” he says with a soft sigh.
“You want something else?”
“I’m tired,” I reply as I walk to the bed and look at her.
“Then get in,” Shane nods toward the empty space on the other side of Jessie. It’s not like him to share a bed with anyone but her, but right now it feels like the whole equilibrium of our family unit is off and I imagine that he is feeling it as much as the twins. I walk around the bed and climb in beside her, pressing my body against hers. She wiggles her bare ass against me and my cock twitches in my shorts. Shane shoots me a look that reminds me I was invited in here to sleep but I can’t help grinning at him. She’s so fucking sexy, I know he wouldn’t take much convincing if I woke her up right now and suggested we both fuck her, but I’m exhausted. I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her shoulder instead.
“Conor,” she mumbles sleepily.
“Shh. Go back to sleep, Angel.”
“Okay,” she sighs as she shifts her body slightly so she is nestled perfectly between Shane and me. Then I fall asleep with her perfect ass against my groin.
Chapter 42
After our epic binge drinking session last night, it’s late afternoon by the time Mikey and I finally roll out of bed. I got up for some water about midday and the house was quiet, so I suspect Jessie and my brothers slept most of the day away too. I think we could all sleep for a week after the drama of the last few days.
I’m still reeling from having my ass handed to me by Conor earlier. I don’t want to face him. I don’t want to face Shane either, but most of all I don’t want to face Jessie. Learning that my real father was the man responsible for hurting her in so many ways has completely overwhelmed me. It’s all I can think about. How can things ever be the same between us again?
But I can’t stay in this room forever and after a quick shower, I head into the living area with Mikey following close behind me.
“Hey.” Jessie looks up and smiles at us as we walk in.
“Hey, Red,” Mikey replies but I avoid her gaze and sit on the armchair while Mikey hovers by the bookshelves. The tension in the room is suddenly thick and I can feel everybody’s eyes on me. Standing up, I decided I’d be better off back in my room, but as I’m walking out, Jessie springs up from the sofa and stops me in my tracks.
“Liam. Where are you going?”
“Back to bed,” I snap with my head down.
“You want something to eat?”
“No,” I shake my head, still unable to look at her beautiful face.
“Liam?” she whispers. “Why won’t you look at me?”
I hear a sob catch in her throat and it breaks my heart so much that I’m forced to look up. “How can you look at me and not see him, Jessie?” I drop my head again quickly, scared to look into her eyes in case I see something in them that I can’t stand. She’s too good of a person to make me feel bad about who my real father is, but she can’t hide the truth from me. I can read her so well, and it’s something that I’ve always loved about our connection, but now I wish for blissful ignorance. She places her warm hands on my cheeks and tilts my head so I can’t avoid looking at her.
“I look at you and see you, Liam. The same man I saw yesterday. The same man who I’m completely in love with.”
“But he’s our dad, Jessie. The man who did all of that fucked up shit to you, is my fucking dad!”
“Hey! My biological father was a madman who had my whole family slaughtered, including his own twin brother. But I am who I am because of my dad – the man who raised me – and not that murderous psychopath. Just like you are who you are because of the man who raised you.” She glances over at Shane and smiles. “And even though you’re pissed at him right now, you know that he did a pretty good job with you and Mikey.”
“I hate that he caused you so much pain,” I say. I have a physical ache in my chest when I think about what that sadistic cunt did to her. It was rough enough when I thought he was our uncle, but that my own father was capable of it... Not that Patrick Ryan was much better.
“And I hate that he’s causing you some now. Please, don’t let this come between you and me, Liam. That would be the true pain. It would break my heart,” she says as a fat tear rolls down her cheek. What the fuck I ever did to deserve her devotion, I’ll never know.
“I will never let it come between us, Jessie,” I say as I wipe the tear from her face.