“No sassy comeback?”
“No,” I say with a contended sigh. “Now what are we watching?”
He picks up the remote with his free hand and turns on the TV and Mamma Mia is on. “I love this film,” I shriek.
“Fuck no!” he snaps as he lifts the remote to switch over.
“Aw please, Shane. I don’t usually like rom-coms, but this one just does it for me. Please can we watch it?”
He groans loudly. “For fuck’s sake!” He tosses the remote onto the bed, but then he leans back, wrapping his arm tighter around me and resting his cheek on my head. “You owe me big time for this, Hacker.”
“I’ll do anything you want, Sir,” I purr as I snuggle against his chest.
“Behave!” he growls. “Or you won’t get a chance to watch the movie or finish that hot chocolate.”
“And why is that?” I whisper.
“Because your mouth will be otherwise engaged.”
The following morning, I lie in bed, still in an orgasm induced haze as I watch Shane dressing. He is going out for the day and I am once again confined to the hotel room. Not that I haven’t enjoyed a few days of relaxing, but I am easily bored.
“Maybe I’ll go down to the pool today,” I say as I chew on my lip.
“You know I’d rather you didn’t leave the suite,” he frowns at me.
“I know you said that, but I get bored.”
“Call Conor or the twins. I’m sure they’ll keep you busy,” he winks at me.
“Oh, I know. But what about the rest of the time?” I sigh dramatically. “And I have a beautiful pink string bikini that I’ve still not worn.”
Shane glares at me. He is aware I have such a bikini, because he bought it for me. It is indecent bordering on the obscene, and I have no intention of wearing it anywhere other than at the rooftop pool back home in New York.
“You brought that here?” he asks with a frown.
“Hmm?” I screw my face up as though I’m deep in thought. “Actually, I don’t think I packed it.”
He arches one eyebrow at me as he fixes his cufflink. “Do you try and grind my gears on purpose?”
“You know that I do,” I grin at him.
He sits on the bed beside me and grabs my chin in his strong hand, his eyes narrowed as he stares at me. “You looking for another spanking sweetheart?”
“Well the one you gave me the other day was pretty tame. For you anyway.”
“Oh really?”
“Really,” I purr. “You know I can take much more than that.”
“Hmm.” He leans down and gives me a soft kiss on the lips that makes my insides melt like warm butter.
I snake my arms around his neck. “Stay with me today.”
“I would love to, but I can’t, sweetheart,” he replies with a frown as he brushes my hair back from my face. “I’ve still got plenty to do before we go home.”
“Anything I can help with?”
He shakes his head. “Not really. But I appreciate the offer.” He sucks in a breath. “Please stay in the room today. And then tonight, I am all yours. And if you want that pretty ass of yours spanked hard, I am very up for that.”