Liam and Mikey are walking through the elevator doors just as I’m heading out. Mikey sent me a text to let me know that he’d found him and he was fine, but it’s still a relief to see him back here. I wrap my arms around his neck. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he says as he hugs me back.
“Good.” I pull back from him. “You gonna be okay on your own downstairs tonight?”
He nods and I turn to Mikey. “I need you with me.”
“Where are we going?” he asks with a worried look on his face.
“To break some faces,” I wink at him and his face breaks into a grin.
“Aw. Why can’t I come then?” Liam asks.
“Because someone needs to watch the club. And you’ve slacked off enough for today.”
“Fair enough,” he replies with a roll of his eyes. “I’ll just go get changed. You two don’t have too much fun without me now.”
“As if we would,” Mikey says before we both step into the elevator.
We ride down to the basement and get into the car in silence. I feel Mikey’s eyes burning into me as I drive out of the parking garage. “What?” I say as I turn to him.
“I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. I felt like shit all day.”
“Forget about it.”
“Where are we going?”
“To find some assholes.”
“Yeah, well that narrows it down,” Mikey laughs.
“Those pricks from Angelino’s have been causing trouble again is all. I thought I’d pay them a visit. And now you are too.”
“But isn’t this like using a pneumatic drill to crack a walnut? Can’t our bouncers deal with this?”
“Yes,” I frown at him. “But I want to.” It’s true that dealing with some local low-life bouncers from a club in Brooklyn that is about a quarter the size of ours is way below our pay grade, but they have been bothering us for a while now, and it needs to be stamped out before it escalates. Besides, sometimes I just need to let off some steam.
“Oh, I see,” Mikey says with a grin as he rubs his hands together expectantly. “I haven’t done this with you for a long time.”
“I know.”
“I should push your buttons more often,” he chuckles to himself.
“Don’t,” I warn him.
A little over half an hour later, we pull up outside the club in Brooklyn. It’s not open yet but the bouncers are already showing up for their shifts.
“What’s it to be? Fists or we brought weapons?” Mikey asks.
“Some brass knuckles should do just fine,” I wink at him as I nod to the glove box.
He takes out a brass knuckle with a blade on the end and holds it up so the metal catches the light. “Nice. These new?”
“Conor got them a few months back. Hand me mine,” I say and he reaches into the box and pulls out a second one. I slide it onto my right fist and we climb out of the car. The bouncers hanging around outside spot us as we walk over the road and they shout for their colleagues who walk around the side of the building.
“How many you think there are?” Mikey asks.