“And, not much. I got that job in Ray’s bar after two days. I found that little apartment and paid three months’ rent with the leftover money from the SUV. I worked and then I went home.”

“That was it?”

“Yes. It was pretty boring, but I liked it.”

I reach up and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “But you hate being bored?”

She raises an eyebrow at me. “Jessie Heaton hated being bored. Ryan Smith quite liked it,” she shrugs. “I don’t know. I guess I wanted to be a completely different person. I didn’t even have a smart phone.”

“It kinda seemed like you didn’t have a lot of money? That place you were living at? Working in that bar?”

“I don’t have money,” she says softly.

I frown at her because I can’t comprehend how someone with her talent isn’t sitting on a secret fortune.

“What?” she whispers. “You know Shane didn’t leave that half of a million dollars lying around in that SUV, right?”

“I know that. But you’ve worked for some of the richest people in New York. You’re the best at what you do. I guess I don’t understand why you’re so broke?” I grin at her because I don’t want that to sound like an accusation.

“Well, money isn’t really that important to me. Besides, it draws attention. People notice you when you’re rich and I kind of like being unnoticed.”

“You could never go unnoticed, Angel,” I say, brushing my hand over her cheek and leaning down to steal a quick kiss.

She smiles back at me. “You know what I mean.” She pushes gently against my chest. “Besides, I know how to get money if I ever really need it, and I suppose there is some security in that. There are plenty of billionaires with fat, offshore bank accounts that I could tap into whenever I need to. And as for those rich people I worked for, it’s not like Nikolai Semenov paid me for my services. And that was fine by me because I always had an ulterior motive.”

“And we didn’t pay you either,” I add, feeling guilty at that realization.

“You gave me room and board, and everything else I ever needed,” she purrs softly.

“So, you didn’t look into Alexei at all?”

She shakes her head. “Not once. I suppose I was trying to convince myself if I didn’t think about him, or any of it, I could really be this new person. I know it sounds crazy now, and I know it wouldn’t have lasted, but it was nice to be normal for a little while. You know?”

“I get that, Angel.”

“I should probably get a new laptop,” she shrugs.

“We’ll stop by somewhere and get you one today. Okay?”

“Yeah. Thank you.”

“And what about guys?” I ask as my hand slides lower again and a wave of anger and jealousy rolls into my chest at the thought of anyone but me and my brothers putting their hands on her.

“I told you there was no one else,” she whispers.

“Some must have tried, though? I mean, you’re hotter than fire, Jessie Ryan.”

A blush creeps over her cheeks and she blinks at me. “A few asked me out, but I told them to go to hell.”

Leaning down, I brush my lips over her cheek and the smell of her skin makes my cock throb. “You did, huh?”

“Yes,” she breathes. “I much preferred my own company.”

Fuck! “And who did you think about when you were getting yourself off then, Angel,” I growl as I press soft kisses along her jawline and onto her neck.

“Your brothers,” she giggles.

“My brothers? Really?” I growl as I slide my hand between her thighs and rub two fingers softly over her clit.