“She’s sleeping now. It would do her good to get some rest,” she replies, and the tone of her voice and the expression on her face are something I’ve never experienced before. Lisa knows what we do and she never judges — at least not usually.

“What is it?” I ask.

She swallows as she turns to face me. “Have you been giving her drugs?”

“We gave her a sedative three days ago when we brought her back here. Why?”

She narrows her eyes at me as though she’s deciding whether to believe me.

“Why, Lisa?” I snap.

“I took a urine sample, and that girl has so many drugs in her system, I’m surprised she’s able to function.”

“Like what?” Conor snaps.

“Everything. She lit up my tox screening like a Christmas tree. Where the hell was she?”

“Nowhere you need to be concerned about. So, what are you telling us here?” I ask.

“Well, if you didn’t give them to her then someone else obviously did.”

“So, she was being drugged?” Mikey asks.

“Or she took them herself?” I add.

“It’s a strange combination to take yourself,” Lisa says, shaking her head. “I never got any sense she was into drugs, did you?” She glances around at all four of us and my brothers shake their heads.

“That would explain why she’s been talking crazy about the Wolf?” Conor says with a frown.

“That or being kidnapped and held in a cell with very little light and no idea of what was going to happen to her,” Lisa snaps.

Conor closes his eyes as though he's deeply ashamed.

“You have no clue what’s going on here, Doctor, so I suggest you tread carefully. Besides, you can’t believe half of what comes out of Jessie’s mouth,” I say.

Lisa walks up to me and looks me in the eye. “That’s just it. She didn’t tell me shit. I’m aware of the room downstairs because Mikey showed me where she’d been. I wanted to know how much blood she’d lost because when Conor showed me her clothes, I suspected a miscarriage.”

“Miscarriage?” I frown and I swear I’m going to have a fucking heart attack if I get any more surprises today.

“It wasn’t. Don’t worry. Her HCG levels were normal,” Lisa says and relief washes over me. “She suffers from incredibly heavy periods. But she told me nothing. In fact, she barely spoke. I can hardly believe it’s the same woman I saw here five months ago.”

“Well, a lot has happened since then.”

“No shit. Physically, she's exhausted, but fine. Emotionally – not so much. I don’t know what your game plan is here, but she's in a vulnerable state right now. She is terrified of something, but she won’t tell me what. You need to tread carefully, Shane.”

I nod my agreement and her face softens.

“I told her that she has nothing to fear from you. Please don’t make me a liar,” she places a warm hand on my arm and then she glances at her watch. “I have an appointment to get to. I’ll call back in a few days and see how she is.”

“Thanks, Lisa.”

“Any time,” she nods. “Bye, guys.”

Liam escorts her to the elevator and we wait for his return before we discuss what Lisa just revealed. When he does, it’s Conor who speaks first.

“So, Jessie was being drugged by whoever took her. And then we drugged her, kidnapped her, and left her alone in a tiny fucking cell?” he snarls.

“Nobody took her. You watched her on that video. You watched her stroll right out of here,” I shout.