“You deserved a lie in,” Shane says with a shrug.

“Yeah,” Liam agrees. “And you were snoring when I woke up so I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I was not snoring. Was I?”

“Not that I remember,” Shane shakes his head. “You sure it wasn’t her moaning my name that you heard?”

“Shane!” I admonish him and my cheeks flush pink as I remember him waking me up with his hand in my panties and then five minutes later he was fucking me while his brothers slept around us. It’s not an unusual occurrence. We all gave up on the idea of separate rooms and sleep in the same bed every night now. I am often woken by one of them, or sometimes I do the waking. Sometimes another brother will join us, or if I’m very lucky they all will.

“Oh, I heard that too,” Liam chuckles softly. “I was planning on joining you both but you took your sweet time making her come, bro. I fell back asleep.”

Shane covers Finn’s ears. “I took my time on purpose. Asshole!” he whispers and I giggle.

Just then Conor comes over with Ella and I take her from his arms and bury my face in her neck, inhaling her sweet-smelling, baby skin. Conor gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before he goes to help Mikey bring the food over for breakfast. At the sight of the pancakes, Ella squeals and giggles.

“She’s sure got her mom’s sweet tooth,” Mikey chuckles as he slices a small piece off and hands it to her.

“Mikey, she’s too young!” I admonish him.

“Relax. It’s low sugar. Low salt. She only sucks on it,” he says with a shrug.

“Here let me put her in her chair so you can eat,” Conor says as he takes her from me again and places her in her high chair next to me. Liam puts Finn in his too and Mikey hands our son a small slice of pancake.

Then we all sit and eat our breakfast, talking about our plans for the day and later tonight. Whether we should take the twins to the park this afternoon or to the zoo. What movie we might watch when they go to sleep and we’ve all finished work for the day. The twins have brought a sense of balance to our lives. Nobody works at night anymore unless there’s an emergency. The brothers have employed managers for the club and their security business. Shane sometimes works for a few hours in his office during the evening, but he’s always done by eight p.m.

I look around at my wonderful family and wonder if any person in the entire world has ever been so happy as I am right now.

Two Weeks Later

Pulling the hem of my short dress down over my thighs, I take a final peek at the twins. I stand staring at them, listening to their baby-soft snores and my heart feels like it’s about to burst with happiness. Ella frowns in her sleep and when she does she looks just like Shane. When she smiles she looks like Mikey and then there are times when she looks just like Liam or Conor. Finn looks a little more like my side of the family with his bright blue eyes, but I see his daddies in him too.

I tiptoe away with my heels swinging in my hand, slipping them onto my feet once I’ve closed the door to the nursery. I can hear the sound of muffled voices as I reach the den and when I walk inside I swear I almost melt on the spot. My four husbands stand waiting for me. Every single suit they own is custom-made and fits their bodies perfectly, but there is something extra special about the ones they wear for our date nights.

They are each dressed in a dark navy one and a white dress shirt open at the collar. I have never seen four finer specimens of men. I mean any one of them would be a dream come true and I get all four. Wet heat floods my pussy and I’m beginning to regret my decision not to wear panties.

We’ve had some date nights since the twins were born, but none with all five of us like this. There is no one we trust enough to leave with our babies – well except for the woman who is standing beside them.

“Jessie, love, you look beautiful,” Em says with a smile. She flew in two days ago and is staying with us for a month so she can spend time with her nephews and her new great-niece and nephew.

“Thank you,” I whisper as Liam walks toward me. He slides his hands around my waist onto my ass. “You look fucking incredible, baby,” he whispers as he pulls me to him. “And that dress is goddamn dangerous.”

“I hope so.” I grin at him.

“You know where everything is, right?” Shane says to Em as he checks his watch.

“Yes,” she replies with a soft sigh and I can only imagine how many times he has gone through everything with her. He’s always been overprotective of me and his brothers and the twins’ arrival has made him one hundred times worse – or better depending on how you choose to look at it.

He spent so long worrying he’d be an awful father but he is amazing with our children. All of my husbands are and if it were possible, seeing them with our babies has made me fall in love with them even more than I already was.

“Now you lot get out of here and enjoy your date,” she says, pushing them toward me and the door.

“They shouldn’t wake until about six a.m.,” I say as I’m surrounded by my four husbands. The heat from their bodies makes me clench my thighs together. Was I always this horny? “But if they do there’s plenty of milk in the fridge.”

“Jessie has expressed enough to last the week,” Mikey chuckles.

“I’m sure I’ll cope until tomorrow. Now go,” she says with a smile.

“Thanks, Em,” the boys say and we walk out of the room.