I punch him playfully on the chest. “My water broke, dumbass.”

“Fuck!” he breathes.

“Come on, Mikey. This is not a drill. You’ve been in training for this for nine months. What do we do?” I ask, completely forgetting everything in my birthing plan except for the fact that I am not going to hospital. No freaking way!

“Shane!” Mikey hollers and a few seconds later Shane comes running through the door closely followed by Liam and Conor.

“The babies,” I say.

“Her water just broke,” Mikey adds.

“Call Brooke and get her out here now,” Shane say calmly to Conor as he walks over and takes my hand. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you somewhere comfortable.”

“You think she’ll get here in time?” I ask, starting to panic now. We’re having a last weekend at the lake house before the babies arrive. We should be in the city for this.

“We got plenty of time,” Shane assures me. “You got any contractions yet?”

“I don’t think so,” I say with a shrug. “I’ve been having twinges all day but nothing that I’d call a contraction. But I have no idea what one feels like.”

“Let’s just get you to bed,” he says and we walk out of the kitchen with Liam hovering anxiously behind us while Conor calls my OB-GYN and Mikey cleans the kitchen floor.

“No needles, Shane. Promise me,” I say as we walk through the house.

“No needles.”

“Even if I’m screaming in pain. Do not stick one of those things in me! You got it?”

“I got it,” he assures me.

“I will never let you touch me again if you let anyone stick me with a needle.”

“I won’t,” he smirks at me.

“What’s so funny?” I ask.

“Just thinking about how much fun I could have teasing you while you tried to keep that promise.”

“You’re an arrogant asshole, have I ever told you that?” I grin at him.

“Many, many times.”

“I love you though.” I suck in a breath as a sharp pain slices through my abdomen.

“I know,” he says before he sees me wincing and his brows furrow in concern.

“Fuck, that hurt!” I hiss.

“Then that was a contraction, sweetheart. Come here.” Before I can protest, he scoops me into his arms and carries me to the bedroom before laying me down on the bed.

“Brooke is on her way,” Conor says as he walks into the room.

“Let’s meet some freaking babies,” Mikey shouts excitedly as he walks in straight behind him.

He high fives Liam and the two of them start to chatter like excited toddlers while Conor comes to sit on the bed beside me.

“You know those two are going to fall to pieces the minute they see me in a little pain, right?” I say to Shane and Conor.

“Yup,” Conor nods his agreement.