“Yeah, but maybe we’re not,” Liam says and she immediately stops struggling.
“Oh,” she breathes.
“We’re all taking a night off,” I growl as I trail soft kisses along the side of her neck.
“Shane won’t like that.” She squirms in my arms as my beard tickles her throat.
“Shane won’t like what?” he barks as he walks back into the room.
“Everyone taking the night off,” she purrs.
He stands at the foot of the bed, glaring at her as he pulls off his tie. “You really think any of us would be going to work tonight after we almost lost you today?” He arches an eyebrow at her as Mikey walks up behind him.
I roll onto my back and look at my brothers. I hear Liam chuckling softly and Jessie’s breathing grows faster and louder. When Shane unbuckles his belt and slides it off, she gasps so loudly that my cock twitches. I look between her and him as she starts to fidget.
“I think we’re going to have to restrain her for this first part,” he says as he hands me the belt and I swear I smell her cream already as her body starts trembling.
“What are you doing?” she breathes. “Am I being punished?”
“No, baby,” Liam replies, kissing her softly before pulls her t-shirt off and over her head. Then he pushes himself up and starts to unbutton his shirt.
“Of course we’re not punishing you, Angel. Now give me your hands.” I hold out the belt and she holds them out to me in compliance. Goosebumps visibly prickle along her forearms as I wrap the soft leather around her wrists.
“Then what?” she breathes.
“You’ll see.” I wink at her before I gently push her back against the pillows as I raise her arms above her head and secure them to the headboard. We had this bed specially made after we got married. It’s big enough for all five of us to sleep in. The headboard is made of solid oak. It has a long rectangular piece cut out across the center which is fitted with polished steel bars. Perfect for handcuffs, rope, belts, or anything else we might want to tie our girl up with.
When she is securely restrained, I run my hands down the soft skin on the underside of her arm and she shivers. “What are you all going to do to me?” she whispers.
“What do you think?” Liam chuckles as he sits on the bed beside her.
“Dr. Mikey,” I shout to my younger brother who is tossing his clothes into the hamper. “Is there a limit on the number of orgasms a pregnant woman should have?”
“Well.” Mikey scrubs a hand over his beard as he looks deep in thought. “You know in all my extensive research I’ve never come across a limit.”
“Really?” I arch an eyebrow at him and Jessie’s thighs start trembling with anticipation. Her breath hitches in her throat. “Are you comfortable?” I ask her.
“Yeah,” she pants.
“You tell us if your arms start to ache or you need to take a breather, okay?”
“A breather from what?” she asks even though she knows what we plan on doing to her. The skin on her chest and cheeks is pink with heat.
At this point, Shane crawls onto the foot of the bed and reaches for her panties. He pulls them gently down her legs and she lifts her ass to help him.
“Your pussy is already soaking, sweetheart,” he chuckles as he tosses her panties onto the floor.
“You still… haven’t…” she gasps as he starts to circle her clit with his index finger.
“Haven’t you figured it out yet, Red?” Mikey asks as he slides onto the bed beside Liam before he starts trailing soft kisses over her rounded stomach.
“We’re all going to make you come, Angel,” I say as I dip my head and start to kiss her neck as Liam gets to work on her gorgeous tits. “Then when we’re done with that...”
“We’re going to untie you and get you some food. Then all get a little sleep.”