Conor and Liam and Mikey shake their heads but Shane speaks. “If you think it could help find out who these guys were working for, then call him.”

I lean over and kiss his cheek softly. “Thank you.”

“Something about this feels way off,” Mikey says loudly with a look of something bordering on disgust on his face.

“Well that’s because someone just tried to kidnap me, Mikey. Of course it feels off.”

He shakes his head and waves a hand in the direction of me and Shane. “Not that, Red. This! You two being on the same page and us being on another one.” He shivers dramatically as though something has crawled up his spine. “I don’t like it.”

“Me neither,” Liam frowns.

“Well, there’s a first time for everything,” Shane says with a grin as he slides an arm around my waist and kisses my bare shoulder.

Conor shakes his head and chuckles softly and I smile as I realize how lucky I am to be so loved and protected by these incredible men. For some reason someone wants me and I have no idea who or why.

Chapter 39


Jessie lies on the bed and we all watch while her OB-GYN, Brooke, rolls the ultrasound machine over her stomach. The black and white screen is fuzzy for a few heart stopping seconds as she tries to get a good angle.

“There they are,” she says after what feels like an eternity. She traces her fingertip over the screen. “You see them lying together? Top to tail?”

“Yeah,” Liam croaks and Jessie giggles as she watches our babies on the screen.

“Heartbeats are strong,” Brooke adds as she turns a dial and the sound of tiny racing hearts fills the room.

“Fuck!” Mikey breathes. “That’s so much clearer than the last time.”

“Well, they’re almost double the size they were since last time. I can tell you the sex if you want to know?”

Jessie looks between us all, her eyes shining with happiness as though she wasn’t just betrayed by her half-brother and almost kidnapped this afternoon. “Can we?” she whispers.

“If that’s what you want, sweetheart?” Shane replies while Mikey and Liam voice their agreement.

“Either way is fine by me. As long as they’re healthy, I don’t care,” I add with a shrug.

“Well, you’re having a boy and a girl and they both look super-healthy to me,” Brooke says as she wipes the gel from Jessie’s stomach with some tissue paper.

“One of each?” Jessie giggles. “That’s perfect.”

“Perfect,” Shane agrees although we all know anything would have been perfect. She is perfect and so are our kids going to be.

“So, we’re gonna have a little Jessie and a little Mikey running around here?” Mikey asks with a flash of his eyebrows.

“God fucking help us,” Shane groans.

“Why does it have to be a little Mikey? He might be just like me?” Liam says.

“Or a mini Shane,” Mikey adds with a shudder and Liam laughs.

“Remember that I can kick both of your asses,” Shane reminds them.

“We’re just playing, bro,” Liam chuckles. “Besides, I mean we could get a mini Conor.”

“Fuck!” Mikey gasps, his mouth open as he stares at me in horror. “Our own mini fire-starter.”

“What?” Jessie laughs as she looks at me.