“Yes. Just you?”
“Yes,” I reply. “I’ll come alone.”
“Lád-na. I will be there at noon.”
“Lád-na.” Deal. I smile. “And thank you, Vlad.”
“Pozhaluysta.” You’re welcome.
After hanging up the call to Vlad, I tuck my cell into my jeans and walk to the kitchen to find Mikey and Conor sitting at the breakfast bar eating cereal, and I wander over to them. I reach Conor first and he pulls me between his powerful thighs, brushing my hair back from my face and holding me in place as he bends his head to kiss me. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I melt into his kiss and moan softly as the warmth floods my core, making Mikey chuckle. I swear these men turn me into a sex addict.
“You left without waking me this morning?” I breathe when he lets me up for air.
With a lick of his lips, he grins at me and drops one hand to my ass, squeezing hard. “I couldn’t lie there any longer with this juicy ass pressed up against me and not fuck you, Angel. And Liam needs his rest.”
I look up into his eyes, noticing how red they are. “So do you,” I remind him. “You’re working too hard.”
“No such thing,” he winks at me. “Anyway, I just came in here to catch up with Mikey and then I’m off to bed. Maybe you can join me later?”
“I would love to,” I purr as I run my hands down his hard chest and then I turn to Mikey. “Are you going to be around all day today?”
“Sure am, Red,” he says as he shovels in another spoonful of Lucky Charms. “You got something planned?”
“Yes, actually. I need to go out for a few hours. I can take one of the cars, right?”
Conor tightens his grip on me. “Of course you can take a car, Angel. You don’t have to ask. But where are you going?”
I bite my lip. They aren’t going to like this, but it’s something I need to do. “I’m going to see Vlad.”
I barely get the last word out of my mouth when Conor is interrupting me. “The fuck you are. Not a chance, Jessie,” he snarls with a shake of his head.
“I agree, Red. No way you’re going there,” Mikey chimes in unhelpfully.
I swallow the frustration and resist the urge to remind them that I’m a grown woman who looked after herself for ten long years before they came into my life, because we have been through so much these past few months, and I understand their concern. So, instead I take a deep breath. “I knew you’d both think it was a bad idea, but don’t you see that I have to do this? Vlad might have some answers for me, about my parents, about Alexei. Maybe even about the Wolf. I need to find out what he knows.”
“No!” Conor snaps.
“He might not even want to talk to you,” Mikey adds.
“He will. I spoke to him just now,” I reply.
“What the fuck?” Conor shouts, releasing me from his grip and standing up so he is towering over me. “You’ve been talking to Vlad?”
“Yes. I called him. I understand what Alexei did, and I get that you don’t trust the Russians, but I believe that Vlad is a man of his word. We’re meeting in Central Park, for Christ’s sake. We’re just going to talk. I swear.”
“No fucking way, Jessie,” Conor growls as he runs a hand through his hair. “I’m not discussing this any further.”
“Conor!” I shout, glaring at him. “How can you deny me learning the truth about my family? Please try and see this from my point of view?”
He moves so fast that I gasp in surprise. He wraps one of his large hands around my throat, pushing me against the counter, the weight of his body holding me in place as he leans his face close to mine. “Why don’t you see it from mine?” he hisses. “I will not fucking lose you again.”
I swallow, and he loosens his grip slightly. “You won’t. I promise,” I whisper.