I grab him by his shirt collar and he flinches. “What?” I push my face closer to his.

“A girl called Jessie asked me to tell you that she needs to speak to you. She’s downstairs in the VIP area.”

“What did she look like?” I ask.

“I don’t know. Hot. Red hair,” he stammers and I release my grip on him.

“Was she alone?”

He straightens his shirt. “Yeah, man. She looked like she’d been crying.”

“Fuck.” I push past him and make my way to the VIP bar as my pulse starts to race. What the hell is Jessie doing down here and why is she crying?

It’s only as I push my way through the crowds of people that I think about the woman waiting upstairs in bed for me, who no longer has red hair because she dyed it brown when she was in Arizona. So, what the fuck is going on? I look around for my brothers again and grab one of our bouncers as he passes. “You seen Liam or Conor?” I ask.

“Conor went out the back a few minutes ago. Last time I saw Liam he was throwing those two kids out.”

“Anything weird happened here tonight?” I frown at him.

“Nothing weirder than usual, Boss. Why?”

“Find my brothers and tell them to meet me in the VIP bar.”




Despite promising myself I would stay awake so I could spend some time talking with Shane, I must have drifted off to sleep because the sound of the door bursting open wakes me. My eyes snap open and my heart starts to hammer against my ribcage. Shane is still here with me and he jolts awake too.

“Shane,” Mikey shouts as he runs into the room. “They came to the club. The Russians. They’ve taken him.”

Shane and I both sit up at the same time. “What? Taken who, Mikey?” he shouts.

It seems like my heart stops beating now as I look at Mikey’s face, and then I see Conor running into the room behind him. I feel anger vibrating through Shane’s body as bile surges up from my stomach and I fight the urge to be sick.


Find out what happens next for Jessie and The Ryan Brothers in Ryan Retribution

Ryan Retribution




Shane jumps off the bed as Mikey and Conor rush into the room.

“They took Liam?” he snarls. “What the fuck happened?”

Mikey shakes his head, looking too distraught to speak. Conor places his hand on Mikey’s shoulder and answers Shane’s question. “Liam was obviously the target. They distracted Mikey and me with some phony bullshit, and they took him, Shane. He was throwing a couple of underage college kids out and they pulled up in a van and grabbed him.”

I sit up and stare at Conor, my mouth hanging open and my stomach twisted in a knot of anxiety as I think about Liam and what they’re doing to him right now.

“Did anyone see who took him. Did they get the plates?” Shane growls.