“Jessie,” I say with a nod as I take a seat myself. I look at my cell phone but my eyes keep being drawn to her thighs as she sits there in Liam’s t-shirt and probably fuck all else. My cock hardens at the memory of her naked body and all of the things I did to it. And the thought of all the things I’d still like to do to it.

“What are your plans for today, Angel?” Conor asks as he kisses her head and sits down beside her.

“I was hoping to do some digging on Alexei.”

Thank Christ. Something to distract me. “Do you have any leads yet?”

“Nothing concrete. But I’ve found some financial records today linked to the house in Connecticut where he took me. The funds have been funneled through at least four different companies, but I think I’ve found a common denominator that will identify some other properties Alexei might own. It will only take a little more digging and then I’ll have a list of possible places where Alexei could be hiding, and then we can go from there,” she says.

Fuck. I forgot how good she was. She got more in two days than I have in two months.

“Well, the sooner you get me those addresses, the better. Because we need to act fast. It won’t be long before he finds out you’re back here.”

“About that,” she says as she looks between me and Conor. “I can handle Alexei. I don’t want any of you getting-”

“He came to our club and shot three of our men, Jessie,” I say to her. “We’re all in this together.”

“Yeah, Red,” Mikey says as he walks over and places a gigantic stack of pancakes in the center of the table. “There’s no way we’re letting you deal with him on your own.”

“Besides,” Liam adds as he sits on the other side of her and takes hold of her hand. “He stole you from us, and we owe him for that.”

A flush creeps over her cheeks and she rewards him with a smile that makes me want to bend her over this table and fuck her brains out. I swallow as I try to maintain some level of self-control. Everything I said last night was true. I can never trust her again, so I can never go back there. But I guess my cock didn’t get the memo. Asshole.

“We want Alexei almost as much as you do, Jessie,” I say.

She smiles at me too and I have to look away before all of my blood rushes straight to my cock.

“Why not get the word out that I’m back, and then we can bring the fight here?” she offers as she helps herself to a pancake and places it on her plate.

“No,” Conor and I reply at the same time.

“Why not?”

“Because we’re not using you as bait,” Conor snaps.

“And because we’d prefer the element of surprise,” I add. “If we sit back and wait for him to come to us, we lose that.”

“Okay. It was just a thought,” she shrugs.

“If you can find out which of those properties belong to him then we’ve got something to go on,” I say as I take some of the remaining pancakes.

“Okay,” she nods. “I’ll get on it today. Any chance I could use your computer? It’s got more juice than my laptop and it will probably take me the whole day?”

“Sure. After breakfast?” I offer.

“Great. Thank you,” she whispers.

Jessie and Liam cleared the dishes after breakfast while Mikey, Conor and I discussed club business. She disappeared to her room about five minutes ago and I pray that it was to put on some clothes before she spends the day alone in my office with me.

I sit at my desk and sure enough, a few moments later, Jessie appears in the doorway wearing jeans and a hooded sweatshirt. The relief that I’m not going to have to stop myself from staring at her all day is equal to the disappointment that she has completely understood and respected what I told her last night. We have spent so many hours in this office together, during which she rarely wore any clothes. As a rule, she prefers to wander around this apartment in nothing but one of our t-shirts and a pair of panties. The fact that she is fully dressed today should make me happy, so why does it piss me off so much?

“You ready now?” she asks softly as she pulls her hair up into a pony tail.

“Yeah. Come on in.”

It’s early evening by the time Jessie and I stop working. She’s had her head bent over the computer for seven hours, only stopping for a quick sandwich when Mikey insisted she eat something. I’ve made calls and chased leads and generally been impressed by how quickly and efficiently she works. It has been a relief that we’ve both been so busy because it has stopped me thinking about all of the times I’ve fucked her in this room.

Conor walks through the door, making Jessie look up from the screen. “How are you two getting on?” he asks as he flops down onto the sofa.