“It’s a shame we have to go upstate tonight,” Mikey groans. “You’re only back one day and we have to work.”

“Tonight? You’ll be gone all night?” I pout.

“Yes, tonight,” Liam sighs as he takes a seat beside me.

“Shane thinks we don’t know it’s because he wants you all to himself,” Mikey adds with a soft chuckle as he picks up his bowl and drains the milk from the bottom.

“What?” I blink at them. “I’m not sure Shane is that bothered by my coming back.”

Mikey almost chokes on his milk as he starts laughing, and Liam places a hand on my shoulder. “You couldn’t be any more wrong about that, baby.”

I open my mouth to reply, but I’m distracted by Mikey as he looks up at the open doorway with his mouth hanging open. I spin around to see what, or who, he’s looking at and I almost fall off my stool when I see Erin walking into the room, wearing the same clothes she had on yesterday evening. Bile burns the back of my throat and I force myself to swallow it down as a wave of nausea and jealousy washes over me. She spent the night. With Shane?

“Close your mouth, Michael,” she says coolly as she walks to the refrigerator and opens it, taking out a bottle of mineral water. She holds it to her forehead briefly, before opening it and taking a long gulp, while the twins and I stare at her.

“What are you doing here, Erin?” Liam eventually asks the question we are all desperate to know the answer to.

She rolls her eyes, taking another gulp of water before she answers. “I stayed over.”

“Where the hell did you sleep?” Mikey asks with a frown.

“In Shane’s bed. Where else?” she says with a smug grin as her eyes flicker to me and she looks me up and down.

I force myself to smile back at her. “Well, I’m sure you had a comfortable sleep,” I say, when I really want to vomit on the table in front of me. I knew that Shane wasn’t my biggest fan, but this just seems unnecessarily cruel. To sleep with her on the same night that I came home. I choke down tears and have to look down at my bowl so she won’t see me, because I feel like I’m about to cry and that is so damn ridiculous. Clearly, she’s the woman that Shane wants. She’s the kind of woman he belongs with.

“Well, I have a meeting to get to. Bye boys. And Jessie,” she says before she wafts out of the room.

“Ice queen,” Mikey says with a shudder as soon as she’s left the room.

Liam puts an arm around me and kisses me softly on the top of my head. “There’s no way Shane would go back there, Jessie.”

I blink away the tears and turn to him with a smile. “It’s none of my business what, or who, Shane does,” I say with a shrug.

“Don’t say that, Red,” Mikey narrows his eyes at me. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but you need to talk to him. Preferably, you could fuck some sense into him. Especially if he did screw Erin last night.”

“Mikey,” Liam snaps.

“What?” He frowns.

“So, tell us about Arizona,” Liam says, changing the subject.

“It was hot and sticky,” I say with a smile.

“Pretty much just like you then,” Mikey chuckles as he walks around the table and wraps his arms around my waist.

“I’m not sticky,” I arch an eyebrow at him.

“You were last night, Red,” he laughs.

“Well, so were you.”

“Hmm. And I can’t wait to get hot and sticky with you again as soon as we can,” he growls in my ear. “But I need to take a shower. Be good while we’re gone today, won’t you?”

“Always,” I whisper before he gives me a long, sweet kiss and walks out of the kitchen.

“Why Arizona?” Liam asks when there is just the two of us remaining.

“I wanted to try somewhere hot. And it was far away. As different to New York as I could think of,” I reply with a shrug.