Liam and Mikey share a look, and Mikey shakes his head and winces.
“We’ve been banned from any weddings because at the last one, Mikey here got caught fucking the bride in the restroom. At the reception.” Liam laughs.
My hand flies to my mouth. “Mikey?” I stifle a laugh. “Really?”
He nods as he walks over to the table and sits down. “Yeah, but…”
“But what?” I gasp. “That’s awful!”
“So, why are you smiling then, Red?” He flashes an eyebrow at me.
“Because it’s just so… so bad.”
He shrugs. “What can I say? She only married him for his money. And I was young, dumb and full of–”
I hold my hand up to stop him talking. “Yeah, I don’t need to hear the end of that sentence, thanks. But, wow! No wonder you’re banned from weddings.”
He nods proudly.
“But why aren’t you allowed to go?” I turn to Liam.
“Oh, me? Well, when the groom found Mikey balls deep in his new virginal wife, he tried to cut off his head with a butter knife. So, I might have knocked him unconscious and then used his brand-new Maserati as our getaway car.”
I hold my hand over my mouth as I burst out laughing. “You boys are so bad,” I say with a shake of my head when I’m able to talk.
“You have no idea, Red.” Mikey arches an eyebrow at me. “So, what are we doing tonight? All night rager?” he suggests.
Liam sighs and rolls his eyes.
“How about a movie marathon?” I offer, and both of their eyes light up.
“You’re not going to make us watch any more where the dog dies, though, are you?” Liam says. “That fucking cut me up that.”
“No more dogs dying.” I smile as I recall them both sniffling, watching Marley and Me with me a few nights earlier. “How about Fast and Furious? We could stay up all night and watch all eight?”
“Or, we could watch two, and then crack open the tequila and play some poker instead?” Liam suggests.
“Strip poker?” Mikey grins.
“What? You two hardly wear any clothes as it is. The game would be over in like, five minutes.” I pop an eyebrow at him.
“Makes it easier for you to win then, doesn’t it, Red?” he fires back.
“You don’t exactly wander around here fully clothed yourself.” Liam laughs, and I shoot him a look of mock indignation. “You keep stealing my shirts and wearing them.”
“I know.” I bite my lower lip. “But they’re so comfortable. Plus, they’re so big on me, they’re just like a dress.”
Mikey leans onto the table and props himself up on one elbow. “Yeah, but do you wear anything underneath it, Red?” He winks at me.
“Well, I guess you’ll have to beat me at poker to find out,” I say with a grin.
“Fuck!” he chuckles. “You’re going to get us in a whole load of trouble, Red.”
I open my mouth to respond, but just then Shane and Conor walk into the room and the conversation changes to the O’Malley’s wedding.