“Good. The sooner we have you both back here, the better,” he says with a sigh.

“You okay?” I ask him. He carries so much responsibility on his shoulders and I wish he would share more of it with me and our younger brothers. We’re not little kids anymore. He doesn’t have to protect us all from everything. I poke my head out of the door to check on Jessie and smile when I see she hasn’t moved from the position I left her in. She makes Shane more relaxed and much less tense, and I need to get her home to him as soon as I can.

“Yeah,” he replies. “Just dealing with some shit from back home.”

“That old cunt not dead yet?” I snarl.


“Good. Dying is too good for that fucker.”

“I know. Erin told me he doesn’t have long left though.”

“Erin’s been there a lot lately.”

“What the fuck does that mean, Conor?” he snaps.

“Just an observation. I’d hate for you to get sucked into any of her shit, that’s all. That woman is fucking dangerous.”

“I’m pretty sure I can handle her. Besides, she’s just dealing with some paperwork for me. That deal I told you about back in Ireland is almost done.”

“Good,” I nod my head. He’s about to make us a fortune selling some old family property.

“Look after her, Conor. And if she sees that guy again, or you sense anything untoward going on, call me and we’ll come meet you both.”

“I will. Thanks. But I’m sure everything is going to be fine, and we’ll see you tomorrow night.”

After I finish the call to Shane, I slip back into bed and Jessie stirs beside me. “Where have you been?” she whispers as she cuddles back into me.

“I just called Shane.”

“Why?” She sits up. “Is something wrong?”

“No.” I reach out and tuck her hair behind her ear. “I wanted to tell him what happened today, that’s all. Just in case he’d heard anything about the Wolf being active again.”

“And has he?”

“No. He would have told me if he had. I just wanted to speak to him, I suppose. I was worried about you.”

She lies down again, resting her head on her elbow. “I have to tell you something, Conor,” she whispers and my heart constricts in my chest.

“What, Angel?”

“When I saw him today, or thought I saw him, I thought about what Alexei said to me. About you and your brothers wanting to hand me over to him…” She chokes back a sob and doesn’t finish the sentence.

That fucking hurts. But, I suppose I can’t blame her. I don’t think anyone in Jessie’s life has ever been completely straight with her. Even her parents lied to her, and although I completely get their reasons why, I guess that leaves a mark. I have always had my brothers, and their honesty and respect means the world to me. Jessie didn’t have that for so long, I guess she’s forgotten what it feels like to know without a doubt that someone will always have your back, no matter what.

I turn on my side so I’m facing her and brush the back of my knuckles over her cheek. “What is it going to take for you to trust me, Angel?”

“I do trust you, Conor. It was just for a second. I was terrified. I know you would never hurt me,” she whispers.

I roll on top of her, taking hold of her wrists and pinning them to the side of her head. “You do?”

“Yes,” she breathes.

“Then show me, Angel.”
