Three of our men were injured in the shoot-out, but fortunately none were killed. The same can’t be said for the Russians and I have seven dead ones stinking up my club. Conor calls the clean-up crew to come deal with them while I debrief our own soldiers.
When we’re the only people left in the club , Conor walks over to Liam, Mikey and me.
“She would never have killed him. It was the only way I could buy us all some time,” I say as their faces search mine for answers.
“So, that car does have a tracker, right?” Conor asks.
I raise an eyebrow at him. Does he think I’m an amateur? “Of course it does.”
He nods and lets out a long, slow breath. “Thank fuck for that.”
Two months later
Abead of sweat trickles down my back and I blow a stray strand of hair from my face as I ring up a customer. The Arizona heat is stifling, and the air conditioning broke a week ago. My boss, Ray, is far too cheap to have it fixed by a professional and is intent on doing it himself as soon as the part arrives. From the time it’s taking, I’m pretty sure it’s coming from Outer Mongolia.
I pick up the bottle of Jack to put it back on the shelf and it almost slips from my hands when I hear that rich, velvety voice.
“You’re a hard woman to find, Jessie.”
My legs tremble as I stand rooted to the spot. I place the bottle on the counter as a shudder runs down the length of my spine. If I don’t turn around, maybe he won’t really be here. I glance sideways at the exits, wondering if I can make a run for it.
“Oh, please go for it, Angel,” he chuckles softly. “Because you know I’ll catch you. And when I do, I’ll enjoy nothing more than throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you to my car.”
I spin around and my heart almost stops at the sight of him. He looks even better than I remember — if that were possible. In a shirt, open at the collar and rolled-up sleeves that show off his muscular forearms. “I think you’ll find that’s kidnapping,” I scowl at him.
“Well, you seemed to enjoy it the first time I kidnapped you,” he winks at me. “What the hell have you done to your hair?”
I flick the ends of my now shoulder-length, brunette hair and shrug. “I felt like a change.”
“I prefer it red. And long.” He flashes his eyebrows at me and I have a vision of the way he used to wrap it around his fist to make me more compliant and experience a familiar fluttering between my thighs.
I fold my arms across my chest and notice his eyes drop to my cleavage as he unapologetically licks his lips. “What are you doing here, Conor?” I ask with a sigh.
“I’ve come to bring you home.”
I grind out a laugh. “I am home.”
“I’m talking about your real home, Angel.”
“You mean your home?”
He frowns. “Where else?”
“I think you and your brothers made it pretty clear that it wasn’t my home the last time you kidnapped me!”
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard. “We thought you’d betrayed us, Jessie. Just like you assumed we’d betrayed you.”
“Exactly. There’s no trust left between us. So, it seems the best thing to do is for all of us to go on doing our separate thing. Living our separate lives. So, please leave!”
He places those fine arms on the bar and looks around the place. There is no doubt it’s seen much better days, could do with a lick of paint, some new furniture — not to mention some air conditioning, but it’s the only bar for miles, so it’s busy every night. “You can’t seriously be happy here?” he asks with a tilt of his head.