He pressed his body down into hers, letting his tongue mingle against hers as his hands trailed over her. He kissed his way down her jaw, down her neck and towards the top of her tank, skimming it over her head to display her skin beneath. He groaned in blissful agony discovering that she hadn’t put on the sports bra with it and trailed his lips over to capture a hard peak in his mouth. It pulled a gasp from her, and her hips pressed into his, her hands sliding over his shoulders, one up into his hair, her fingers biting into his scalp as he continued to lathe attention on her breasts.
She was beauty in a tiny package, almost too much for him to take it slow but he wanted her to enjoy every bit of this, ensure she wanted more and more, before he let himself find his own bliss. He lifted himself, discarding her shorts with ease and let his hand slide up and down her thigh, her leg lifting to press against him closer. He was quickly losing his mind, his slim control and let his hand slip around, grazing her folds gently. It brought a full cry of pleasure to her lips, and he slid his fingers against her, his mouth finding her breasts again. He sent her over quickly, once then twice before easing his pants from his body, sinking into her moist heat.
“Oh god,” she gasped, her hands holding onto his muscles tightly as her body quivered. His lips took hers in a long slow kiss as he discovered every hidden depth within her.
Her shuddering breaths took him over the edge with her and he held her against his chest as they both came down. He was going to ensure they didn’t lose this, hell it was better than any woman he’d known before, and he certainly wouldn’t argue if it meant he could kiss her whenever he wanted. Her lips were soft, full, luscious, and so tempting. He’d make sure she was happy, anyway possible.
Brianna sighed as Carter’s hand trailed down her chest, the warm washcloth teasing her hardened nipples, while his free hand teased between her legs. She’d never been overtly sexual, but this felt so good that she couldn’t deny it. She didn’t want to deny it or him.
“So sensitive,” he whispered as her breath stalled when his fingers grazed over her clit. “All this from our baby, hmm?”
“Mostly…fully self-inflicted I suppose,” she said leaning back into him further as he lifted her onto his legs, opening hers further for him to touch and tease.
“I’ve never been happier for your crazy decision and the clinic’s mistake. If any woman were to have my child, I’m glad it’s you.”
“Right now, so am I,” she sighed as he made her crash over the edge and kept going.
He heard a light mewing coming from her throat and lifted her higher, guiding his erratically throbbing need into her body and felt her instantly tighten around him. She rocked against his body, and he kissed the pulse point in her neck, her hands reaching backwards to hold onto him. He lifted a single hand, teasing her breasts until she let out another cry, and he turned her around to face him, wrapping her legs around his waist as he stood. He grabbed a towel wrapping it around her before carrying her into the bedroom, laying her out over the bed.
She reached for him, but he kept his hips from her grasp, lifting her legs as he kissed his way up their lengths, stopping at her hot intimate core to lathe attention on her. She responded so completely, so effortlessly and it drove his need, his desire higher.
She crumbled in his arms, and he slid back into her welcoming sheath, sending them spiraling hotly towards the end. Her fingernails dug into his shoulder as he fused their mouths together, and he lifted her hips, sliding deeper into her, stroking in and out quickly as their tongues met in harmonious desire. Her inner walls clutched at him tightly, forcing him over and he let out a moan that she swallowed, as he collapsed onto her.
He turned slightly, pulling her fully against his chest and soothed his hand up and down her back until she slid into a peaceful sleep. He sighed pressing a kiss against the top of her head well aware it’d been a long day. They’d spent the better part of the morning in bed, getting up for food in the afternoon and went to her apartment, packing some more of her things before coming home for a light dinner.
He’d sent her up here to take a bath, rest after their moving and activities today, and hadn’t been able to resist from checking on her. She’d been lying in the tub, letting his eyes roam over her, and gave him a smile telling him there was room for two in there. He’d quickly shed his clothes, making her smile more and him steal her lips in a full kiss telling her she was a temptress.
She hadn’t believed him, but he’d shown her over and over, just how much she was when it came to him. His orgasms had been stronger, his recovery faster, and his body harder than anything he’d known before, and it had ignited something inside him he knew only she could now appease. He would ensure that they stayed like this long after the baby was here and if they were lucky, perhaps they could talk about having another baby together.
He’d frozen so many vials in hopes that there would be more than one, he’d grown up that way and he’d missed having someone to share things with, but it would be up to Brianna, and her body. If, like her mother and grandmother, she went into early menopause, then he’d be content with the one child they shared, and he would do his best to tempt her into being wicked with him every night he possibly could.
The ideas let him swiftly follow her to sleep and Sunday morning he woke Brianna with a long, sensuous kiss that kept them in bed long into the afternoon. They spent the rest of it being lazy, him reading through some work contracts while she read a book, a thriller he’d picked up on a layover that had gone long over its allotted time. He’d finished his work and hated sitting idly, making small talk with people he didn’t know.
She stretched out on the couch, her head resting against his thigh, and he didn’t even notice when he began to run his fingers through her hair until she let out a soft sigh. She turned slightly, letting him have better access to her head and let her hand rest on her stomach, her eyes shut and a smile on her lips.
Her breathing evened out, but he continued to run his hand through her hair, wondering about the feelings running through him. He couldn’t place them. They were similar to what he’d always felt when near her and set aside the contracts, unable to concentrate on them while Brianna napped, her sweet face just inches from him.
He turned on the TV, leaving the sounds low, and flipped through the channels, stopping on the movie they were watching the other night, to see how it ended. He couldn’t stop his fingers from tracing through her soft, silky locks of hair, and let them linger against her supple skin. She was beautiful, from her full, bowing pink lips to her soulful blue-grey eyes, her pert little nose in between. Everything about her called out to him, always had, even from the moment they’d met, but he’d known how valuable she would be to him professionally and he never mixed business and pleasure.
Pleasure was fleeting, business was finite, but this attraction, this need, had always remained. The unspoken understanding that they possessed had never faltered. This want to be near her, protect her, had come on fast. If he was away from the office for more than a day, he had to call simply to talk to her, hear her voice, question things that didn’t need questioned to keep her on the phone longer.
He shook his head with a stupid grin on his face as full understanding finally came to him, explained why he’d never liked seeing her with her boyfriends, and never liked seeing her upset. It explained why he could recall her birthday with ease yet needed prompting from her to remember anyone else’s birthdays. She was the most important woman in the world to him, had been even when he was dating and now he finally understood why. He’d fallen for her, likely the moment they met, but until now, he’d been too stupid to realize it.
He was in love with Brianna. The feeling he thought foolish and fleeting, more fleeting than pleasure, had been with him for far longer than he’d ever expected.
It was the only reason why making love to her touched his soul, why her completion meant more to him than his own. It also explained why his friends hadn’t been the least bit surprised to discover that his hurried marriage was to her. They likely sensed what he’d refused to acknowledge.
Now he had to make up for lost time, for things they could have shared, the children they could have created in the last four years. He would start to show her how he really felt about her, convince her that she could feel it too if she gave herself the chance. Then he wouldn’t worry that after the baby was born, things between them would change, go back to only being friends.
He wouldn’t be able to survive losing her now. One child, two, or none, she was what he wanted, and he would do whatever he had to in order to keep her. The first step to accomplish that was to let the world know she was his. He would start with his mother, then go on to let the company know by changing her name. After that was her family, meeting her parents and then her group of friends, showing them that he loved her so they could convince her of the fact.
He always succeeded in getting what he wanted, even this time it appeared to be working, perhaps by some random accident, or divine intervention, it didn’t matter to him which it was, she was his and he’d keep her for life. His ring was on her finger, and he’d ensure it stayed, his child would have his name, and he would have everything he wanted in life.
It might take him until after the baby was here to convince her that he loved her, to get her to love him in return, but he’d be patient. He would figure out the right way to make it happen and show her heaven, give her heaven forever.
He turned off the TV, watching her simply sleep, and smiled. After all it was impossible not to when he had his whole life right in front of him. He didn’t need anything else.