“Carter, please…oh god, please,” she moaned, searching for his lips as they teased her face. “Please…”

“Tell me,” he said, a smile lighting his eyes as he lifted his head. “Tell me, angel.”

“I love you.” The words were barely out before she was tipped over the edge, her shout swallowed by Carter’s lips as he shuddered out his own orgasm, filling her completely with love.

“I love you, so much Brianna,” he whispered as he gathered her close, letting her slip into sleep, a smile on her lips.

Chapter 7

Carter lifted his head as Marsha stopped at his office door. The look on her face had his heart in his throat, worry instantly hitting him hard. “Marsha, what is it?”

“I don’t want to cause any issues, but I was on my way back in from lunch and saw Brianna in the lobby with another woman. They look like they’re arguing, and Brianna seemed upset,” Marsha said, and he was nearly on top of her before she finished speaking.

“Can you cover the phones while I go check on her?” he questioned, barely waiting for her yes before he was in the hallway. He was about to bypass the elevator in lieu of the stairs when it opened, letting a couple people off and he slid in, heading down to Brianna wondering who was there, and why she hadn’t told him she was going downstairs to see whoever it was.

In the three months since Christmas, they’d spent very little time apart. They had about two more months before their son was going to be here and every day he fell for her more, as well as grew more protective and worried about something or someone hurting her. It felt a bit irrational at first, but now he wondered if it wasn’t for this moment.

Brianna didn’t have arguments with people, not at work, everyone here loved her. Someone coming and upsetting her was entirely unacceptable, especially here in his building.

His anger ignited higher when he saw the woman Brianna was talking with in the corner of the lobby. He didn’t bother to hide his expression as he moved over to them quickly, sliding his arm around Brianna, feeling the tension in her body.

“Go away,” Ashley snipped at him, but he ignored her, turning Brianna into him, running a hand down her side, searching his wife’s face to ensure she was okay.

“You be quiet,” he retorted when Ashley began to speak again. “Brianna, are you okay, angel?”

“I’m fine,” she said, lifting her eyes to him, letting him see the anger glittering in her gaze, but there was thankfully no tears. “Ashley was just leaving.”

“Like hell I am,” Ashley replied, and Carter was beyond done with Brianna’s sister when Brianna’s hand tightened on his hip.

“This is private property, and we’re asking you to leave, now, before I call the police,” he added. “I’m certain it wouldn’t look good for one of the city’s ADA’s to be arrested for trespassing. How would your bosses like that?”

“You can’t do a damn thing to me. I’m here to talk some sense into my sister and it has nothing to do with you,” Ashley sneered at him, and his brow lifted higher when Brianna let out a scoffing snort.

“Nothing to do with him? He’s my husband, the father of the baby you just said I shouldabort,” Brianna seethed at her sister and Carter saw nothing but red as Brianna’s hands tightened around him, keeping him in his place.

“He’s not the father though, is he?” Ashley said, a smirk hitting her lips as she glanced his way, her eyes widening when he didn’t react in the least.

“You’re insane, Ashley. You’ve seriously lost your damn mind. I don’t know what the hell you’re playing at, but I’m done with it and you. You’ve spent the last four months harassing me with every email or text you’ve sent, telling me how horrible of a mother I’ll be, and I should just admit I made a mistake and get rid of the baby. I thought blocking you would show that I’m done, but here you are trying to make my life even more miserable. I understand you don’t know the first thing about pregnancy, but newsflash, I’m thirty-two weeks along. Our baby is old enough to be viable, premature, but viable if I had him now—something I have no intention of doing either. He’s mine and Carter’s entirely. Whatever the hell you’re playing at now…I honestly don’t care. I just want you to stay away and leave me alone,” Brianna fumed, leaning further into Carter’s hold as her sister’s eyes flashed with some victorious light.

“He’s not Carter’s though, is he? You just pretended it’s his to trap him,” Ashley said, and Carter had enough. Even if the clinic told them they’d made a second error and it wasn’t actually his biological child that Brianna was carrying, he wouldn’t give a damn now. This was their baby and Brianna was his.

“I was there when this baby was conceived, it’s mine,” he stated, pressing a kiss to Brianna’s temple, his hand gently caressing her side, letting her know he was here with her entirely.

“Is that why she paid the Horton Clinic three thousand dollars for sperm?” Ashley crowed and Brianna breathed in deeply, fury flowing through her that her sister—hersisterwould dig into her private information.

“No,” Carter said, dropping another kiss onto her forehead, calming her. “She paid the clinic to retrievemysperm I have stored there, to show me that she was ready for us to start our family. Due to cancer treatments in my twenties, my sperm count is extremely decreased, and natural conception might have been difficult. When I learnt that she did it, I was thrilled, but I also let her know I didn’t mean to pressure her or make her think the reason I’d given her permission to access my sperm was for her to use it immediately. We sat down, talked it over and agreed that we wanted a family, but if we were going to use the saved vials, we should do it together, with the help of a doctor for our best chance at conceiving.”

Ashley’s eyes narrowed on them, and Brianna rested further into Carter’s arms, a smile on her lips.

“We sent the vials back to the clinic to hold until then, enjoyed an entirely undressed weekend afterwards, and got a surprise when I ended up pregnant naturally, but we’re both extremely happy about it. So, whatever the hell this is, stop it. I don’t want you here or anywhere near my family until you’ve gotten some mental help,” Brianna added, and the color that flared in her sister’s face told her she wasn’t the first one to tell her it recently. “I don’t know how…”

Brianna was cut off by a loud, furious shout of, “Ashley!”

It pulled her and Carter’s attention to the front doors where Grace stood with their parents, Jacob, and surprisingly a couple police officers as well.

“What’s going on?” Brianna asked, looking between Grace and her parents knowing something was majorly up if they were all here.

“Howdareyou!” Grace screamed at their sister, and their father grabbed her arm, stopping her from advancing further towards Ashley.