“Sounds good,” she said with a glance at the date once they were in the car. She let out a laugh seeing what it was.
“What?” he said, and she turned the calendar around to show him. “Right…would you rather wait until Saturday morning then?”
“No, Friday’s fine, plus it’ll be one way to avoid Halloween invites, won’t it?”
“Make our little one’s Halloween a special event for sure,” he mused.
“I think I’d prefer All-Hallows Eve to the Day of the Dead,” she said and by the time Friday night rolled around, she knew the sooner they made everything official, the easier she’d start to breathe again.
Emily showed up at her place at six, giving her a full once over seeing her outfit. “Okay, want to tell me where we’re going, why you told me to dress nicely—not Halloweenie, and why you’re wearing that?”
Brianna smiled as she glanced down at her outfit. It was a blush dress, strapless with a light sweetheart neckline that pleated down to the waist, surrounded by a studded belt, before flaring over her hips with a just above knee-length bubble skirt. She’d found the dress on clearance a few years ago but always thought it was too bridal. Now, it seemed perfect for the wedding that wasn’t real beyond the legality it would provide both her and Carter.
“You’ll see,” Brianna stated hurrying her down to the waiting car. They pulled into the drive at Carter’s house, and she felt her breath tighten slightly.
“Isn’t this your boss’ place?” Emily asked glancing around the foyer after Carter’s housekeeper let them inside, giving Brianna a full smile.
“Yes, this is Carter’s place, soon to be mine too,” she said ducking into a side room as Emily’s eyes bugged out. She grabbed the bouquet there and handed it over to her friend, taking her own as Emily spluttered questions left and right at her.
“What the heck? You’re marrying Carter? No way…”
“Yes way…we’re pregnant,” she told her friend and gave her a smile as her mouth sucked like a fish at the air.
“Okay now I totally get the quietness,” Emily said coming around as she gave her a hug. “Oh sweetie, I’m so happy for you…”
“Me too,” she replied as Nora came back to them letting her know Carter, John, and Mark, their officiant, were ready whenever they were. She looped her arm through her best friend’s and walked towards the back door sending Nora out to watch. “Come on…walk me down the aisle or the two steps into the garden at least.”
“Always, you know I’ll gladly give you away,” Emily teased putting a grin on her face.
It stayed there despite the traditional kiss she knew was coming as Mark finished the short ceremony. She wasn’t afraid of Carter touching her. She’d kissed plenty of men before, several of them total duds, but with Emily watching, her friend would likely be able to tell they weren’t as proficient at it together.
It was a relief to realize she needn’t worry as Carter lifted a hand to her cheek, shielding them from the largest gaze of their friends and gave her a slow kiss. It was gentle, barely opening her lips with its pressure and she heard Emily’s light squeal of glee as he pulled back dropping a quick kiss onto her forehead.
“Congrats buddy, Brianna,” John said after they signed the license. “If anyone was going to get this guy married I knew it’d be you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Carter asked his friend as Mark laughed moving into the open gallery of the house he used for entertaining.
“I didn’t even have to ask Carter who the bride was when he called me on Monday,” Mark told John making Emily smile further. “Out of every woman that’s come and gone through his life the only one I’ve ever heard him talk differently about was Brianna. I mean this guy forgets our birthdays, but he has this internal reminder when it comes to hers,” he added to Emily.
“She’s special, always has been,” Carter stated as Nora brought out glasses of champagne.
“Mhmm, so why’d it take five years to get here?” Emily asked him.
“Em, hush,” Brianna said giving her a long glance.
“Well, here’s to you two,” John said lifting his glass at them in toast. “May you be blessed with everything you wish, and everything Carter’s mother is chomping at the bit for.”
“To a productive honeymoon period,” Mark added, and Brianna felt her cheeks grow red.
“You boys be nice,” Nora stated giving her a smile. “I’m very happy for you Miss Brianna and if you need anything just ask.”
Carter shared a look with Brianna and glanced at her glass letting his arm rest around her waist.
“Well, perhaps some sparkling cider rather than the champagne?” she suggested making the woman gasp lightly as John and Mark both choked on their glasses.
“Hold on…” John said around a cough. “You’re pregnant?”
“Almost ten weeks,” she answered as Carter kissed her temple. “We found out just before the conference but didn’t want to get married in New York.”