Page 35 of Afterglow

“Sorry. Who is the NDA to protect, you or me? Which of us has a reputation on the line here? You just told a room full of my peers and subordinates how I’m a dirty home wrecking slut. Go away.”

He finally understood he’d crossed the line. “You’re serious?”

She was Galadriel in LOTR, the mean version, the darkness, the avenging angel.

“Like a heart attack. I’m not your shield for your custody battle anymore. Don’t you dare come after me. Or my family. Or my friends. Otherwise, I’ll go straight to the Falcon house and tell them I’ll testify Jenna is a thousand times better without your presence in her life. You and your angry, resentful poison, desperate to control every aspect of your world. You will leave here and never come back.”

Or possibly she was Gollum when he totally lost his shit.

“Kayla. Can’t we talk about this?”

“No. Never.” She grabbed him by his expensive shirt and drove him toward the door. “I hate you. Disappear. Evaporate. Never come near us again, you insecure, hateful monster. Impotent.”

The guys who had been jumping to her defense instead formed a line, funneling Steadman toward the door. Everyone else was watching this like the greatest tennis game ever.

“I’ll sleep with Doyle, I’ll sleep with Glazier. Hell, I’ll sleep with Jacob Carver too. In fact, I fucking promise I will sleep with every single medical student and firefighter I find, because even if everyone calls me a whore behind my back or to my face, I’ll laugh, because I’ll still be having more fun in bed than I do with you.” Kayla advanced on him.

His back hit the door.

“Take your watch. Take your car, which I hope to God has a ton of amniotic fluid stinking it up. Take your security. Take your fortress. Take your every single cell. Take the worthless carbon dioxide you’re secreting away forever.” She ripped the watch off her arm and threw it at him. Then sheopened her purse to find her stupid special black security card to join the watch.

“Forget my number. Forget my name. If I found you on the street bleeding out, I’d step over you and let nature take its course. Disappear. Die.”

She screamed a lot more things in several languages as she shoved him out the door and slammed it closed.

A silence settled over the room.

“Did she kill him with the Harry Potter curse?” Stella asked, breaking it up as only she could.

Angela agreed. “Yes, also in Klingon and Latin.”

Kayla sagged against the door. “Did I go overboard?”

“Definitely not. Compared to me,” Stella assured her.

“That is true.”

She sagged against the wall.

It had happened.

She and Daniel were over.


Chapter 20

Michael found Eliza Kandal washing the dishes from dinner. Taussig and the puppies had been very carefully moved into the guest room, where it seemed like Angela and Michael would also spend the night. Kayla had retired to her own room—on a new clean pair of sheets.

“You don’t have to create a fake rotation for me,” he said.

She set the dish she had been drying down. “What fake rotation?”

“The mixed emergency-trauma one. You aren’t obligated to go through with that to piss off Steadman,” Michael stated.

“Do you believe I would create a fake rotation to solely annoy Daniel Steadman?”

Quite the loaded question. “I wouldn’t put it past you. The day Steadman tried to report Raj, Nora, and I, you had an ambush waiting for him.”