Page 28 of Sampled

“I’ll drive you,” Sean said. “You aren’t taking him in an Uber.”

Dr. Newport didn’t bother to acknowledge that. “Besides the wound, he had multiple bruises from the falling ceiling, so he will certainly hurt. Ibuprofen should take care of that, and keep an eye on his fine motor movements in his hand and that he has normal sensation. If you have any concerns, come back to the ER and we’ll call hand surgery.”


Dr. Newport spoke to Casey, “He’ll be on light duty until the stitches come out. You will start the appropriate paperwork to see he fights no fires during that time.”

“I’ll do it,” Casey assured him.

The police officer wasn’t done. “I’m still not a fan. I can take him home with me. Mom can drive in from Portage County. You expect me to leave my brother after this with—“

“Sean, stop,” Royce said.

Casey bowed his head and dropped his voice. “You heard him. You need to stop. I know you’re upset, but this is not helping. I don’t know Vandy that well yet, but she makes Royce happy. He’s been better since they started dating—he even restarted studying for lieutenant. You can’t out macho me. So stop or I’ll have to cut your heart out with a spoon.”

The doctor chuckled while Vandy looked around in confusion.

“A spoon?”

“Why a spoon? Why not an axe?” Dr. Newport clicked something.

“Because it’s DULL, you twit, it’ll hurt more,” Sean said, relaxing and almost smiled.

“What am I missing here?” Vandy asked.

“It’s a quote from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves from the early 1990s,“ the doctor explained. “Why don’t we grab the discharge papers and let your brother have a minute alone with his nice girl from Chicago.”

Sean nodded reluctantly, and Casey flashed Vandy a thumbs up on his way out the door. She certainly appreciated his support and trying to keep Sean’s frustrations focused on him instead of her.

Royce carefully sat up, looked at Vandy, and said, “Hey.”

Vandy sat next to him and suddenly burst into tears. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just… oh my God, this is so bad. I was frustrated about you being late and not contacting me. Then I heard about the fire, and then I thought something bad had happened to you. Now I get in a fight with your brother as they’re stitching you up from being stabbed. None of this should even be about me.”

Royce leaned heavily against her and licked her neck. “Welcome to dating a firefighter.”


He nuzzled her neck and cupped her breasts through her sundress. “I missed you.”

“For a man who got stitched up, you are very…”

“Horny. Really horny.” His hand teased her nipple to tightness.

“Extremely horny,” she agreed, trying to keep awareness on the fact she was in an ER with his brother, best friend, and doctor coming back any minute, and her boyfriend was high on Versed. “I don’t think the drugs have worn off yet.”

“I feel fine. I miss you waking up with me in my bed. It’s not the same without both of my girls.” Royce kissed her neck.

She tried to push him away. “Are you counting the cat?”

“Yes.” He went back to her sundress, seemingly confused that it was still on her.

“Okay, too much Versed for you. Otherwise you’d know not to compare me to the cat.”

“Even if you’re a good pussy.” Royce placed his hand on her knee.

“No pussy jokes either.”

“How about ‘speak friend and enter,’ beloved?” He rubbed his way up her thigh to the secret spot where her tattoo was hidden.