Page 8 of Makai

The sliding of the gun beneath me quickly rescued me from the daze I’d fallen victim to. Slowly, I pulled my feet up onto the seat, slanting them so that I wouldn’t ruin my dress. His sudden movements demanded my attention.

Briefly, our eyes connected. The lingering gaze piqued my anxiety. I gnawed on my bottom lip and slouched in the seat, unsure if the truck was near crashing or if I needed a crash cart because my heart was failing me.

“It can’t shoot itself. It needs five pounds of pressure. Four in some cases.”

“Hmm?” My chest swelled as I asked.

“You’re not dying before you make it to your graduation,” he said to me. Though he wasn’t yelling, I could still hear him over the loud music.

Or, maybe I hadn’t. Maybe it was my addiction to his dark lips and white teeth that helped me understand every word that fell from them. Their wetness was damning. And watching him continue to lick them over and over was incredibly satisfying.

Nervously, I giggled with a nod, eyes dropping and following the piece that moved with each turn, stop, or acceleration. When they made it back to his face, he’d already turned away. Lightly, I sighed, closing my eyes briefly to catch my breath.

My morning was full of unexpected, catastrophic events that I was ready to put behind me. Within a matter of hours, my world had been flipped upside down. The blissful life I was living just yesterday was now a personal hell. Regardless, I was determined to show up for myself again. I’d worked too hard and made too many sacrifices over the last four years to sit at home, moping about another human’s decision.

I found myself lost in the darkness. It’s where I felt safe for the moment. After a tumultuous night and discovering how its aftermath would affect the rest of my life, I needed a second to process everything. And for the life of me, I didn’t understand why I felt so deserving of it in the presence of a stranger. However, having him at my side felt like a sign from the Man upstairs that He’d always come for me, no matter the situation or circumstances.

When I managed to pull my lids apart, the wheels were coming to a halt in front of the large sign that revealed our location. We’d made it, safely and in one whole piece. Gathering myself, I managed to make it out of the truck. As quickly as I made it to the back, so had he. His aroma forced my nostrils apart as they widened with pleasure.

The sleeves that were missing from his top left little to the imagination. Veins sprouted from his arms, sending my mind into a realm that I didn’t visit often for strangers. However, this one made it quite difficult. In fact, it was impossible.


Handing me my things, he stepped off to the side as if he was suddenly in a rush.

“Thank you so much.”

Finally, I spoke again. Remembering I had a voice was easier than I’d imagined after the long ride in silence.

“How long this shit lasts?” he asked, leaning down in the passenger’s seat to place the gun that had fallen back into the glove compartment.

Peering toward the stadium’s entry, I shrugged. “I’m not sure. Maybe three hours or something close to it.”

“So, too fucking long, huh?”

Nodding, I responded, “Basically. But again, thank you.”

“No problem. I don’t have to remind you to call the shop about ya ride, because I’m certain you will.”

“I will.”

“Bet. And congratulations.”


With a smile that reached my eyes, I strutted toward the entry where I took the steps one at a time. Yet and still, I felt my body lunging forward. In an effort to maintain my balance, I grabbed the rail beside me.

Woah. Please don’t bust your face, Glacier.

My ankle buckled and I swore I’d torn something inside of it. I was able to get myself upright swiftly, but the damage had been done. Refusing to let him see me sweat any more than he already had, I bit down on my bottom lip, drawing blood, yet concealing the shooting pain in my foot.

So much for seduction and not busting my face in front of this man.

My entire body warmed. My cheeks reddened. I didn’t need a mirror to notice the change in my color. The embarrassment was evidence enough.

“Get yaself some bigger shoes, Mommas.” He chuckled, yelling across the parking lot.

Oh, God. He’s unhinged.