Page 13 of Makai


“1298 Asher Unit 2104.”

Soundlessly, he hiked the volume on the stereo. The selection of sounds had changed. SZA’s voice poured through the speakers, soothing my head and heart, simultaneously. Though my seat was upright, I still managed to find comfort, closing my eyes while enjoying the sultriness of the tune.

My face softened as the tension drained from every feature my Heavenly Father had blessed me with. Deep, cleansing breaths inflated and deflated my chest one after the other. With my palm pressed against the side of my thigh, I leaned into the contentment that discovered me. It didn’t matter if it was only for a little while. I had every intention of embracing it, enjoying it while it was around.

H.E.R. followed SZA’s voice.

Then there was Cleo Sol.

Then there was Summer.

Then there was Tink.

Then there was more SZA.

My chest caved for the hundredth time by the end of our journey. As the truck came to a complete stop, I noticed the only light shining in the vehicle was from the dash. He hadn’t typed a single digit or letter in the navigation system of his ride or on his phone. His sense of direction was impeccable. I wasn’t sure where we were twenty minutes ago and if I was asked to find my way back, I wouldn’t be able to.

As the gear shifted and the truck came to a complete stop, I winced. Our time had ended. The day was done. It was time to face the music, time to face the mirror. Enthusiasm was absent in my movements as I lifted from my seat and reached for the handle of the door. As quickly as I leaned forward, so did he. His large, authoritative hand apprehended mine, stopping me in my tracks.

Settling in my seat, again, I gave him my undivided attention. He shoved the same hand in his pocket and retrieved a large knot of money. Watchful, I waited as he counted off a few hundred and pushed them toward me. Unsure of their purpose, I began to question the reasoning behind his generous offer. Before the words surfaced, he was sharing a few of his own.

“Handle that little situation,” he demanded, tilting his chin toward my stomach. “Buy you something nice with the rest.”

“You really did—”

“Save that shit, Mommas. Handle your business and don’t fix your lips to beg a fuck nigga again.”

“I-I… Thank you.”

“I’ll have your whip back to you within a week. It’s a bunch of shit that needs to be fixed on that motherfucker.”

“I haven’t driven it in two years. I had another car, but once we broke up, my e—”

“I don’t give a fuck what that nigga did when y’all broke up, Mommas.”

“Understood,” I whispered. “Thank you, again.”

“Don’t forget to get yourself something.”

“I can’t think of anything better than paid rent,” I explained, finding humor in my crisis.

The weight of the small wad I was holding confirmed it was enough to pay a month or two of rent. That would be enough to secure the rest of my lease with the checks I’d be receiving from the job I’d claimed at the hospital already. I was simply waiting for an official notice.

My exit was interrupted again as he handed over the rest of the wad he’d pulled from his pocket. Puzzled, I paused. His generosity caused a tightness in my chest that subsided the second I witnessed the dimple appear on his right cheek as a shrug rolled off his shoulders.

“When I said buy yourself something nice, I meant that. Don’t disobey me, Mommas. I hate that shit. If you need your rent paid, use that one.”

He pointed to the stack he’d just given me.


“And don’t question me. I hate that shit, too.”

“Makai… I can’t take this.”

“You don’t have another choice.”