Page 101 of Makai

“That’s concerning. Kleu be beating your ass? Blink once. I can set you up with R—”

“Nah.” He tittered. “Do I think she will if it came to it? Yes. But she don’t be thinking about my ass. She ignore me half the time. I like that shit, too. Kleu ain’t with no drama. But she doesn’t avoid it when confronted, either. She gets down.”

“Shit, I saw that shit firsthand at Milo’s wedding.”

“And I wish she could drag that nutty ass bitch again. She was dead wrong.”

“Yeah. She was tripping with that shit.”

“Kleu is every one of them at heart. That’s why they get along so well. She’s the sweetest, nigga. She won’t admit it, but she is a natural protector. That’s her role in their friendship. She’ll shut some shit down for the women she loves. Crazily, all of them are the same fucking type.

“Ever, Lyric, Baisleigh, Halo, Aeir, Nature, Glacier. All of ’em. And she can’t get enough of them. Cold-blooded and soft as the rest of them at the end of the day. That’s why I love her ass and ain’t ever giving that motherfucker up. Never. Anybody waiting can retire that shit.

“So, February?”

“Not a wedding, a proposal.”

“Bet. I’m trying to put you down that aisle quick, huh?”

“Too quick.”

We both toyed with the silence before Lawe spoke again.

“I’d pay any kind of money to see ya mom’s face hearing this shit. To hear your pops try to guide you and shit, tell you what a successful marriage takes. They were the happiest couple I’d ever laid eyes on until I met my pops and the rest of my people.

“Again, that shit beautiful, man, and I don’t see it any differently from what I have. Being happy and in love ain’t no easy shit. Especially when it’s shit that’s always trying to tear a motherfucker down.”

“Like this bullshit.”


“I’d give a fucking lung to see either of them long enough to tell them about, Glacier. Shit, about Aeir and Nature and Kleu and Halo. They’d love each and every one of them.”

“Call them more than Pops. You think he be trying to fuck our bi—women on the low? I got to start watching that nigga. He ain’t slick.”

“Shut the fuck up, crazy-ass boy. Where’d that come from?”

“Man, that nigga ain’t getting no pussy. He always calling and texting our people.”

“Because that nigga is lonely and most times just want to see who will come keep him company. You see how much he got them kids.”

“Probably trying to make some of his own, too.”

“Please, Lawe, just shut that fucking mouth of yours. And you’re dead ass.”

The look on his face said it all.

“I’m not fucking joking. I’ll have to lay Pops’ ass down for fucking behind me. I’m not playing that with Kleu. Y’all niggas might not be hipped but I see it.”

“I want you out of my house, dog. Real shit.”

“Nah. This weed too good, and it ain’t mine, so you’re stuck with me.”

Again, he was stating facts. Aside from believing Pops might have ill intentions with our women, I hadn’t disagreed with him yet. The weed was potent. My eyes grew tighter with every blunt we sparked. I didn’t need a mirror to see how red they were.

* * *

The blaring television woke me from my sleep. I wasn’t certain how or when we’d made it to the couch in the living room but it appeared we’d brought the party inside. Lawe was stretched out on the other couch with the throw Glacier added to the fall and winter decor draped over his body.