Page 24 of Makai

“It’s time to wake up, Mommas. We’ve arrived.”

“Hmmm? Already?”

“We were in the sky for eight hours.”

“I slept for eight whole hours?”

My mouth slacked in disbelief.

“You and every other woman on this flight.”


“Let me ask you something.”

As if it was even possible, he moved closer to me. Our eyes stalked one another, chests rising and falling with each breath. Impatiently, I trailed the movement of his lips, ready for his next words.


“Is womanhood that fucking exhausting?”

He didn’t blink or bat an eye while waiting for my response. Sighing, I released the deep breath I’d taken. Nodding, I answered the question that had been posed, honestly.


His head rocked back and forward, slowly. Lost in deep thought, he raked his hand through the hairs that combined to form a full beard.

“I’ma fix that,” he finalized, scooping me up into his arms and carrying me down the aisle.

Still trying to catch the breath that he’d stolen, I rested my head against his chest. My body bounced with each step he took, and it wasn’t until we’d touched ground that I was lowered. I expected to land on my feet but was launched into the air again without warning.

“I’m not putting you down, Mommas. I’m picking up my bag,” he explained.

“You don’t have to carry me, Makai. I can walk if I—”

“You have two feet and good health. I know you can. But that ain’t the fucking point here. Lay ya pretty ass down.”

Because I knew I wouldn’t win the fight, I obliged. When he decided to free me, I was in the comfort of a Jeep and the doors had been taken off. There wasn’t a top nor was there a back window.

Makai stretched the seatbelt across me, ending the gesture with a clicking noise that assured us I was buckled and ready to go. He tossed his duffle bag in the backseat and made his way around to the other side. Almost immediately after his bottom hit the seat, he put the car in gear and accelerated. My back pressed against the softness of the cushion and instinctively, my hands fished through the air for something that offered stability.

My right hand fisted the handle provided on the truck’s frame. My left hand collapsed around Makai’s long leg. Regret wouldn’t allow it to stay for long. The moment our glances connected, I snatched it away, pulling it back into familiar territory.

God, he’s magnetic. I sobbed internally.

As if he was offended by my retraction, Makai reached over and grabbed me by the wrist. Slowly, carefully, he placed my hand back on his leg, closest to his thigh. The apprehension and regret I felt after dissolved as he rested his large hand on top of mine, using the other to guide us to our destination.

Catch your breath, Glacier.

The sun peered behind the greenery that stretched for miles and miles. Freedom felt nearest. In fact, for the moment, there were no restrictions. The wind brushed my hair backward, causing it to flee from my face so that I could feel its gentleness against my skin.

The tires on the truck had slowed tremendously. Without him voicing the need for change in speed, I was certain it was due to my response to our departure. Nevertheless, I preferred slower moments because life was almost always moving too fast. Closing my eyes, I allowed everything that had happened in the last nine hours to sink in.

My palm began to sweat on Makai’s leg. Flipping my hand over, underneath his, I tried retrieving it. His objection was clear when his fingers slipped through mine and our palms pressed against one another. I opened my eyes, ready to examine the connection that felt so incredibly fictional, only to find his already on me.

A half smile stretched my lips backward. Freeing my body of shame, I left little room for Makai to wonder if I was smitten. My eyes carefully examined his flawless skin and every inch of beauty that God had blessed him with.

“You got a fucking eye problem.” He chuckled, squeezing my hand to lighten the load.