Page 127 of Makai

“Open eighteen!” the CO yelled.

“In here, Smith.”


“I need you to behave yourself in here. If it was up to me, you’d be going to solitary, but what can I say? Got to follow orders. Either somebody behind the desk loves your Black ass or you’re having a stroke of good luck. Either way, this is where you’re housed from now on.”

Closing my eyes, I exhaled the breath I was holding, praying that Royce was working a bit harder than God to deliver a blessing He’d denied me of. I was enjoying isolation but the mission had yet to be completed.

Over the twenty-two-month span, I’d been in a cell with three different men, none of whom were the men I had requested the night I was processed into the system.

“Up. We have an incoming,” the CO called out, instructing me to get off the bed.

I followed orders, facing the wall and placing my hands behind my head without as much as a peep.

“You gon’ take these off me or what?”

I’d forgotten a million things in my lifetime but that voice, it was one that I’d never forget. It was the voice of the man who had caused havoc in the life of a woman who happened to have my heart in her possession. The warmer version. The ice-cold version was the one that brought a smile to my face. My lips stretched toward my ears as joy filled every inch of my being.

Royce. Fucking Royce. If there was no one else that could handle it, whatever it might be, Chem’s younger sister was a for sure thing.

“Close it up,” the CO instructed the operator in the control room.

My hands fell by my sides as I turned around to find Nelson standing in the middle of the room, looking like he was fresh out of the boxing ring. It became clear to me that he was the victorious party in the brawl that had us all locked down. The blood left his body as if he’d seen a ghost. I could almost bet he had, but it wasn’t mine. That motherfucker belonged to him.

Welcome to Doom’s Day.

“D-dog, let me apologize now so that we can both sleep without one eye open, looking over our backs and shit.”

“No one is sleeping tonight,” I promised him.

“That’s what you on? Nigga, it’s been two years.”

“It could’ve been twenty. I don’t make threats I don’t make good on.”

“That shit dead, man. I’m not on that type of time. Real shit.”

“Tell me, my guy, why is it that you’ll be dying tonight instead of getting to the fucking bag?”

Though I didn’t care to talk, the question had been circling my head since the day it all started.

“Because she couldn’t keep her fucking mouth closed. My preference and medical stats were nobody’s fucking business. You feel me?”

“She never divulged a single piece of information about you. Never. Where you stick your dick isn’t anyone’s business but now all of Berkeley will know because you can’t keep it in your pants. The difference between out there and in here… ain’t no bitches, my nigga.”

“She ne—she didn—”

“All for nothing, which makes this shit even sweeter.”

Giving him little time to get himself together, with his belongings still in his hand I sent a nose-crushing uppercut straight to the chin. He was unable to recover before another blow struck his temple. The blood that spewed from his nose deterred me from hitting him in that area again.

Though Glacier hadn’t, he’d revealed his positive status with a few choice words. I exercised caution and put his big ass down with the second blow. His things were scattered all over the room. I pushed them aside with his body, dragging him to the toilet. I positioned his neck on the rim of the bowl before heading to the other side of the cell to retrieve the boots that sat in the corner. I slipped into the right one.

Contentment led my movements. Though fluid, they were made without haste. I savored every second of this moment. I wanted to relieve it four thousand times over. The exhilaration was addictive. It was liberating. It was gratifying.


One swift, strategic kick to the back of the neck ended his world. The forceful blow, in combination with the metal surface, crushed parts of his spine that were required to sustain life, sending him straight to the pits of hell where he belonged for fucking with one of God’s angels.