Page 123 of Makai

“So he’s never tempted to—precaution,” he rephrased. “The dogs, they’re yours. He wants you to have them.”

“Why is he the only one getting his way in this situation? What about me?”

“It’s all about you, Glacier. Have you not heard a word I’ve said? This is all about you.”

“I’m not ready to leave Berkeley. I’m not ready to leave him.”

“You have no other choice. The city knows who you belong to. Relocation will keep you safer. Relocation will give Makai peace of mind.”

“He deserves no peace, Mercer, not while I’m in turmoil.”

“Well, scratch that part. Your safety is reason enough.”

“It’s not his fault. Why is he blaming himself? Nelson is my ex. He’s not some random guy.”

“To Makai, he is.”

Frustrated, I decided to remain silent. Nothing made sense anymore.

“I know my brother, Glacier.”

“It seems as if I don’t know him enough.”

“Time… patience. That’s all he ever needs. He’ll come to his senses. Just don’t let him forget that you haven’t forgotten. He said don’t come back. That nigga never said not to reach out. Put the pen to the paper. Give him something to think about. Give him something to look forward to whenever the day comes that he exits those gates. Hold your place in his head and his heart.”

“Thank you. Thank you.”

That thought had yet to cross my mind. Now that it had been presented, I wanted to use the first piece of paper I Iaid eyes on to tell Makai how much of me he’d destroyed recently, how much of me he’d taken with him.

A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.

“The crew has arrived. They’re here to help you get a head start on packing. At the end of the week, a truck will be waiting downstairs to take you wherever it is you want to go.

“Inside of the folder on the table by the door is everything you need to access the account and money Makai has left for you. Thursday, your new truck will be delivered. If you need anything, my number is also in the folder. Take care, Glacier. And Merry Christmas.”

In seven days, children everywhere would be rushing toward the Christmas tree to see what Santa had gotten them. I’d be settling into a home I didn’t want in a city that I didn’t want to be in. No Christmas tree. No gifts. No Makai.

“Merry Christmas.”

Mercer’s body was replaced with Kleu’s. Nature and Aeir sat on the other couch. Completely numb, I listened as they made plans to collect my things without my assistance to make this transition as easy as possible for me.

The truth was, there was no way to ease into this situation or anything close to it. You had to face it head-on, even though it hurt. And as if a switch was flipped in my head, I accepted that. I accepted the results of Makai and I’s union. I accepted the time we’d had together. I accepted the fact that this was our end. I accepted it all.

Rubbing both Midnight and Ghost, I quieted the room with a few choice words.

“Anyone interested in helping me find a house?”

“And she’s alive!” Kleu joked.

“What do you have in mind?” Aeir inquired.

“I was thinking Clarke.”

“Clarke,” Nature agreed. “Far enough but not too far away.”

“A cute three-hour drive,” Kleu cheered.

“Yes. Clarke sounds like a good idea,” Aeir advocated.