Page 122 of Makai

I love you.

I need you.

I’m sorry.

I never meant to hurt you.

I meant none of it.

“Glacier,” Mercer called out, taking a seat on the couch. “Makai sent me.”

“No,” I whispered, feeling my nostrils flare. “He doesn’t get to send anyone. He doesn’t get to—”

“Sit down,” Mercer told me, patting the spot beside him.

“He has no right, Mercer.”

“I agree.”

“Why isn’t he—why isn’t it him? Why isn’t he here? Wh-why is he doing this to me? I’ve done nothing but love him with every fiber in my body. Doesn’t he know that I love him? Doesn’t he know that he’s my world? Doesn’t he know that I-I can’t breathe without him? Doesn’t he know that my body aches for him? Doesn’t he know, Mercer?”

Nodding, Mercer assured me that he, in fact, knew it.

“I am a mess without him. I am not whole.”


“He has no right to do this to me. He can’t do this to me.”

“Sit down.”

Feeling faint, I finally took Mercer’s advice. Overcome with grief, I was dizzy. The spell knocked me down, onto the couch beside Mercer. Right where he needed me.

“Don’t go back there, you hear me?”


“Don’t. Makai is my brother, but hear me clearly. When a man shows you who he is, believe him. Makai is a man who will go to the furthest extent to protect the people he loves. He’s lost enough of us. He ain’t losing another.

“Trust me when I tell you that, that isn’t always pretty. Sometimes, it’s ugly. Very fucking ugly. I gave up years of my life to protect the people I love.

“We’re all the same, Glacier. But Makai is a different kind of beast. His thoughts consume him. The need for results fuels him. His tunnel vision is sometimes his worst enemy. He’s trying not to make an even worse enemy out of himself by letting something happen to you on his clock.

“Letting you go for him isn’t easy, but he feels it’s necessary. There’s nothing you or any of us can say to convince him otherwise. Trust me, we’ve tried. He’s adamant. That’s why I’m here.”

“It should be him.”

“But it’s me. Don’t go back there, Glacier.”

I nodded, choosing not to respond.

“By the end of this week, you need to have all your things packed and ready to go.”

“Go where? Where do I have to go?”

“If you need help with that, we got you. But Makai has forbidden it. He doesn’t want either of us to know where you’re headed.”

“Why not?”