Page 110 of Makai

“I got you, baby. I’m getting you out.”

I opened my eyes again. Hearing Makai’s voice so close but so far away made my heart hurt. I didn’t know much, but I knew he was too far away. I needed him near.

“Fuck. I’m working on it, baby.”

My body was upside down. I could feel my neck pressed against the ceiling and my blood rushing to my head as I blacked out, again.


“Stay with me, Mommas. Stay with me. I got you.”

This time, he was with me. My body bounced up and down as sirens blared around me.

I’m in his arms. I’m safe, I thought, slipping into darkness again.

I’m in his arms.

* * *





Cold air surrounded me, yet there was still a familiar warmth that lured me to consciousness. I opened my eyes, slowly adjusting to the brightness of the room. The soft, yet slightly calloused hand that caressed mine caused havoc in my chest.


The movement of my lips caused pain throughout my body. My head pounded, reminding me that I’d indeed been involved in an accident.


His long legs stretched until he was standing. He moved closer to my bedside and peered at me. We both found incredible discomfort in the lingering silence.

It wasn’t until I felt wetness on my neck and my lip began to quiver that my emotional wreckage was identified. I cried, silently, staring back into Makai’s orbs. I ached for his touch, to feel his skin against mine. Even so close, he was too far away. I searched for words but there were none.

I watched a single tear fall from his eyes. It fell to the floor as he leaned forward in an attempt to conceal his pain. I didn’t have the privilege. Mine rested on my face, neck, and the gown they’d dressed me in.

He cleared his throat to speak. “How are you feeling?”

I shook my head, admitting I wasn’t well. Everything hurt.

“Fuck,” he grunted, spinning a full circle.

His fingers pulled at his beard. He was in deep thought, regret evident in his posture.

“I love you.” From some place deep within, I mustered the strength. From some place unknown, I mustered the strength.

“And that’s the fucking problem, Kiwi. You love a nigga that was never meant for you to love, baby. Girls like you not supposed to fall in love with niggas like me. And niggas like me not supposed to fall for girls like you. You deserve lawyers and doctors and pilots and shit like that. Motherfuckers with professions that won’t jeopardize your life.

“Falling in love with me put a red dot on your back. Falling in love with me made you the easiest target for a nigga who’s feeling any type of way about me. And up until I met that nigga, wasn’t too many fucking problems a motherfucker had with me.”

“Makai, this is-isn’t your fault.”

“Had it been anyone else in the world that you laid down and busted that shit open for, you wouldn’t be here. You wouldn’t be in this position. You’d be at work right now, not laid up in the very beds you stand beside every night. So, yes, Glacier. This is my fault. And because it is, this is what’s about to happen.”