Page 8 of Speed's Ride

“I know you don’t, babycakes, but you will . . . eventually.” He grunts and moves into my space. “It’ll all make sense soon enough. Now, be a good girl and get in the bed.”

Oh. My. God.

I swallow nervously and do as he says, unsure of what he means by eventually. Eventually what? What’s going on here?

Once I’m settled in the middle of the bed, I have to admit, I’m exhausted. I curl around one of the pillows and look at Speed. I don’t miss the way he stares at me or that he confuses me further with the look in his eyes. After a moment, he nods, and I only assume he’s satisfied that I’m not going anywhere because I’m not, and he leaves the room without another word.

Talk about confusing the heck out of me.

In the time since being here, it’s been that way, and I don’t know why. I was brought here not only for protection and to stay hidden from Perrin, but to help the club in any way possible to take care of him.

I have dreams of Perrin finding me. Of him taking me away from my newfound freedom, though it’s not really freedom. Still, it counts because anything and everything is better than whatever that awful man would be doing with me. Perrin would gladly abuse me in a heartbeat. There’s been no word about him. Not that I expect anyone to share anything with me where he’s concerned. But I know the foul man. I know what he’s capable of, and I’m not sure if being here is a good thing or not.

There’s something still in the back of my mind that keeps bothering me. I just don’t know what it is yet.



It’s all I can do to walk away from her. Having spent time with her over the past weeks, helping to take care of her as she heals, I’ve made a decision I never thought I’d make.

She’s mine.

Something about her speaks to me—calls for me to take her and claim her. To ensure nothing ever happens to her again. She’s been through hell and needs a gentleman. Someone to handle her with care, which isn’t me, but she’s claimed. I’m not changing my mind, and soon, she’ll know what it’s like being with me.

I’m not a stupid, selfish fucker, either. I know in claiming her as mine, making her my ol’ lady, what it’s going to have to take. I’ve got to take things slow. It’s not my style, but for her, I’ll be patient. Take my time. Get her used to me.

That doesn’t mean she’s not in my bed. In my life, in a way, I intend to keep her there.

I don’t know what it is about her, I just can’t help myself. She’s beautiful. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Add on top of that the bullshit she’s gone through . . . yeah, she’s mine, and there’s no changing that shit.

Throughout the past weeks, while Lynch and I babysat her at Ryder’s old place, we’d both gotten to know her somewhat. We hung out with her and kept her company, so she wasn’t totally bored. I even slept in the bed with her in case she needed something. Lynch knew within the first hours that I was making her mine and didn’t say a word. He simply smirked and shook his head.

We’ve both watched several of our brothers find women and seen how they acted, so he knows and so do I.

Bringing Lily to the clubhouse was imperative. Not because of anything Fuse found on her per se, but rather on that motherfucker Perrin. Chains’s been putting men out there on patrol, watching out for anything out of the ordinary. He even put in a call to the DeLancys, asking them to let us know if they get word of anything in New Orleans.

Until this morning, there hadn’t been so much as a whisper. But Felix called Chains and informed him of Perrin reaching out to him, asking if he’d like to join him on an endeavor of sorts. He said he’d make it worth his time.

It’s why we’re now at the clubhouse. With Lily here, she’s safer. Everyone by now has heard what she’s been through. She opened up about her past without hesitation. What little Fuse was able to find on Lily verified she spoke the truth. Even if he didn’t find anything on her, my brothers could all see the truth as she spoke that first day.

I hated hearing it, but I know what I’ve got on my hands with her. All I have to do is come up with the right way to handle her. I can’t just up and tell her that she’s going to take me in her body and do what I say. That would just be fucked up.

“You good, brother?” Brake asks, getting my attention as I step up to the bar. His eyes on me, beer in hand. Lawson on the other side of him. I glance around the room, looking for his woman, not seeing her.

“Where’s Faye?” I grunt, motioning for the prospect to get me a beer.

“She’s over at Tyres’s spending time with Rissa,” Brake answers, shaking his head.

“What, the honeymoon over with already?” I snort out a laugh.

“Fuck you,” Lawson and Brake both grumble at the same time.

With the three of them, there’s no telling when the honeymoon period will actually be over with, if ever. They’re all tight, especially after the shit that went down with Brake and the secrets he’s been holding to himself for years.

“So, you gonna answer the question?” Brake asks as I take a sip of my beer.

“I’m good, brother,” I mutter and turn, putting my back to the bar and face the room.