Page 39 of Speed's Ride

“Not gonna happen. Now, let’s get to fuckin’ church,” Breaker grumbles, shaking his hand as he walks past.

“Lily’s coming with me,” Speed announces.

Breaker halts his steps and slowly turns back toward us. Speed tucks me into his side as he faces off with the man who is supposedly my big brother.

God, just the thought alone has my head spinning.

“She ain’t coming in church, brother. Not a place for her,” Breaker remarks.

“Know that, but you’ll all want to hear what she has to say. It’s fuckin’ important, and from what I put together last night, it’s going to help us put an end to all this shit,” Speed states, his voice firm and body tense.

Breaker stares at him briefly, glances at me, and gives a jerk of his chin. “Fine, let’s get this fuckin’ over with before I get a damn headache.”

I swallow my nerves as Speed also starts us in the direction to follow after Breaker. Everything is about to change. I can sense it, and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not. Regardless, it’s happening, and I have to deal with it whether I want to or not.



“Someone want to tell me why Lily is in here?” Chains demands, eyes directed in my direction.

“You’re gonna want to hear what she needs to say,” Speed says calmly, rubbing a hand up and down my side as I sit perched on his lap. “We’re all gonna want to hear this shit.”

Chains stares at me, clenches his jaw, and nods. “Fine, she might as well be here to listen as I fill everyone in on this shit.”

“On what?” Lynch asks from his place next to Speed, glancing from Chains to Speed and me. “What’s going on here?”

“It seems the bitches that spawned us,” Tyres sneers, “weren’t done fuckin’ with us.”

“What’s that mean?” Fuse asks, furrowing his brow.

“DNA tests I had Angelina run for me,” Chains announces. “Results came in, and Lily is Breaker’s biological sister.”

“You’ve gotta be shittin’,” Axel remarks gruffly, eyes wide.

“Nope,” Chains mutters and explains the rest of what they know and have found out. When he finishes, he sits forward, fingers clasped, and stares at me. “Now that we have that part out of the way. Speed, you wanna start talking?”

“Last night, I started telling Lily about this, and she made a comment,” he says and gives me a squeeze. “Tell them what you remembered hearing Perrin say.”

Nodding, I suck a breath and whisper,“Because it would hurt people when they found out. Cripple them.” I drop my gaze and wait.

“So, he fuckin’ knows,” Breaker snarls. The harsh tone causes me to flinch. “What else do you remember him saying?”

“That’s why I wanted her in here,” Speed speaks up. “To help her remember things by us asking questions. But doing it without you being a dick. I figured out what Raven meant, and I think if we can ask the right questions, we’ll be able to figure this shit out once and for all.”

Silence fills the room, but the tension is thick enough to slice through, and it makes me uncomfortable. I want to help them, all I actually need to do is remember what they need to know. It’s hard considering everything I’ve heard over the years. I have so many horrible memories, and I try to block them all out.

Ryder is the first to break the silence with a question of his own. “Perrin kept you with him at all times, do you remember him meeting with a Delano DeLancy?”

“Fuck me, I hadn’t thought of that shit,” Chains remarks with a sneer, seeming disgusted by the name.

I think about his question and shift through my mind. “Yes, I remember him. He scared me nearly as much as Perrin did. He and Perrin would meet quite often. That is until several years ago . . .” I trail off as a memory comes forward. It was the last time Delano had come to visit. He would stare at me while the two of them talked. Delano would chuckle and laugh about how he was going to make the lives of these people miserable. But what confuses me most is the question of my paternity that Delano brought up. Perrin had laughed it off and shrugged, saying it was a given as to who the father was and thought that Delano would have figured it out long ago. This started an argument between the two of them. Delano didn't like being made a fool of.

I remember him waving the other man’s anger off.Perrin then stated that it didn't matter about my paternity as I belonged to him and would stay that way. I was created to be used for his purposes. His to keep and do as he pleased. Delano mentioned that if his sons were to find out, they would make sure he paid for this. I didn’t know what he meant, and Perrin brushed that off as well. But it was the next part that really had me confused, and that’s when Delano asked him about a drug. Not the ones he used on me.

I don’t exactly know what drug it was, but it was important to Perrin. Perrin liked to be in control of everything he could. From the drugs to those he bought and sold. He was into everything, but there was only one person he feared. He and Delano both. That’s what they wanted the drug for. To take him out, they had to do it in secrecy. They didn’t want him to find out what they were doing.

Doing my best, I try to remember the name. It’s there, I know it is, just out of reach.