Page 33 of Speed's Ride

“No,” she murmurs. “Arlene didn’t mind that I’d sold the girl. She said that it was perfectly fine with her. Said she was where she should be, so it wasn’t anything on my shoulders.”

“You know who the father was?” Tyres asks.

“No idea,” she answers, shaking her head. “I didn’t care. I just did what I was told.”

“Yeah, and because of what you did, my woman was tormented for years,” I snarl, stepping into the bitch’s space and grip her neck. “Maybe if you felt just an ounce of what she went through, you’d change your mind.” Squeezing, I watch the way her eyes widen and her lips open, trying to get breath that I’m not allowing her to get. “Then again, you’re nothing but a whore, you might like what he did to her.”

Letting her go with a shove, I have no remorse for her when she falls and trips over the little table.

“What else do you know?” Breaker demands, cocking the gun.

“Noth . . . Nothing. That’s it. I haven’t had anything to do with them since.”

“And you haven’t heard from Perrin?” Ryder asks.

“No, I haven’t,” she answers and looks toward me. “I swear I haven’t heard from either of them.”

“Good,” Breaker mutters and pulls the trigger.

We all watch as the woman’s body crumples to the floor in a heap.

“Well, that was entertaining and informative,” Brake mutters sarcastically.

“Not very much.” Breaker sneers. “Why the fuck would Arlene have someone carry a kid for her and then not raise it? How did Perrin find out about her in the first place?”

“More fuckin’ puzzle pieces, for now, let’s get back to the clubhouse. Tomorrow, we’ll fill the others in,” Chains states and looks to me. “Guess you can talk to Lily, tell her if you want or wait. This is a dead end.”

I guess it is. Then again, this was information my woman didn’t have, and it will help her in knowing who she is. As fucked up as it is, it’s something, and something is better than nothing.

I’m just not looking forward to telling Lily this shit. Though in the end, she gets a brother out of it.




Speed’s been gone for hours, and I feel like I’m sitting on pins and needles, waiting for him to return. I didn’t even know he left until Tiny and Nora told me he and a few others went out. Neither Tiny nor Nora knew where they went and explained when it comes to club business, they don’t ask. If it’s something they’re meant to know, the guys will tell them.

I understand and get that. It’s not hard to figure out. Growing up as Perrin’s pet, I knew when to speak and when not to. I was, as he’d say, trained properly. He made sure of it. There were plenty of times he would be complimented on my training. A few men even asked him for tips on the matter and used me to give them.

The thought sends a shiver racing up my spine, and I find it hard to distract myself.

With what Perrin attempted to do using Jazlene, it makes me wonder what else he’ll try for. My thoughts wander further, and memories best forgotten come to the forefront of my mind.

* * *

“You’ve done well with this one,” Nixon says, eyeing me closely. “She’s lovely and well-mannered.”

“I do agree that I did well with my prized pet.” Perrin chuckles and strokes a hand through my hair. “Didn’t I, my sweet Lily?”

“Yes, sir,” I answer quietly, not looking up from the ground where I sit at his feet.

As long as I behave, Perrin won’t leash me. I learned a long time ago not to go against him. I hate the leash, the constricting feeling of it.

“When I finally get my hands on the pet I bought from Collins, I will have to see what you can do with her.”

“You know I’ll gladly take that one off your hands as well,” Perrin states. “I know exactly where she is and that she’s fertile. Ripe and the drugs forced into her system to make her a breeder.”