Page 31 of Speed's Ride

“Yeah,” Chains says. “Fuse, what do you got for us?”

For the next several hours, we all discuss what’s happening. Fuse fills us in, though it’s not a lot, it’s more than we had before. Things are starting to snap into place, and soon, we can make our move. Get that fucker and take him out once and for all. But first, we need to have all the pieces to the puzzle. We don’t want to leave any chances available to be upturned with blowback on the club.

Finally, once everything is organized and we know what we’re doing next, Chains slams the gavel down, dismissing us.

“Speed, hold up a second,” Chains mutters as I start toward the door.

“Yeah?” I ask, retaking my seat and waiting for everyone else to leave. I’m not surprised when Tyres stays seated, as do Ryder, Breaker, and Brake.

“Want you to stick close to Lily,” he remarks, and I blink, not knowing where he’s going with this, but when it comes to my woman, I already intend to do just that. “What I’m going to tell you stays between just us. I don’t want anyone else getting this information. Not even Lily, got me?”

“What?” I demand, but my gut is tightening, and I get the sense I’m not going to like whatever the fuck they’re about to divulge.

“Only two other people know the truth of this, and that’s Angelina and Pitch Black. We don’t want this shit out there. Not yet, at least. Don’t need it to accidentally get back to the wrong people,” Chains states, shaking his head.

“Right then, you going to tell me any time today what it is I’ve gotta keep to myself?” The words come out harsher than I mean for them. I’m not trying to disrespect my Prez, but this is my woman we’re talking about.

“Lily’s my little sister,” Breaker announces.

“How the fuck is that possible?” I ask, not wanting to believe him.

“Don’t know how the cunt pulled it off, but she did it somehow. Maybe through IVF or some shit like that. I don’t fuckin’ know. All I know is what the DNA test results show,” Breaker explains and lets out a whooshing breath.

“My sisters were both some crazy ass bitches,” Ryder sneers.

“What made y’all do a DNA test?” I ask, curious as to why they did what they did.

“Didn’t seem right, Perrin going to all the efforts for one woman the way he is. Not unless he had ulterior motives,” Chains explains. “Angelina ran DNA on all of us to compare with Lily’s. She concluded that we all shared DNA with her, but Breaker was more of a match for being a sibling.”

“This is fucked up,” I growl, fury on Lily’s behalf flows through my veins.

“Don’t I know it,” Breaker sneers.

“What’s next?” I want to know what they’re planning on doing.

“Next up is finding the motherfuckers who sold her to Perrin and find out what they know,” Tyres grunts, rapping his knuckles on the table.

“I want in on that shit,” I declare, straightening in my seat. “Also, when this shit is dealt with, Lily gets the truth.” I’m not going to keep this shit from her. She deserves to know the truth and know that she’s not alone in the world. Granted, she has me and always will.

“We’ll tell her,” Brake mutters, nodding.

“First, let’s find out the truth of all this,” Breaker adds.

I nod my agreement, understanding the reasoning. In order to fill Lily in on the truth, we need the whole fucking truth and nothing less. “Then when do we go speak with her parents? I have a few things I’d like to ask myself.”

“Figured you would.” Chains grins and gets to his feet. “Let’s go ahead and get going. We’ve got an address.”

Well, that saves me from having to ask Fuse for it.

Following suit, I get to my feet and make my way out of the room and toward the door. I’ll find Lily when I get back. If I see her first before going out there to do what we’re about to do, I might kill them first, and we need answers. I guess it’ll be another piece to the puzzle.



How the hell can someone live like this? The question pops into my head as we roll to a stop in front of it.

I stare at the rundown house that should be condemned. How it’s not, I don’t fucking know. Part of the siding is hanging, shingles are missing from the roof, and the porch looks like it’s seen better days five years ago. Now, it’s just about to fall apart.